Example sentences of "you [vb mod] have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You may have been born in another country , for instance , and still not feel truly at home in the foreign culture and customs you have come to .
2 You may have been instructed by a superior in your organisation to solve a problem by writing a report on it .
3 You may have been conned into believing that successful human beings are the ones with loads of brains and loads of friends but the truth is different !
4 You may have been sat in the Wendover if you 've come on the Sunday , but even having breakfast I bet you were going , what time do you think we ought to leave .
5 There are a few conditions ; you must have been sailing within the area or bands briefed by the flotilla skipper , timing starts when the lead boat acknowledges the failure , and you must return to UK with a report signed by the flotilla skipper detailing the circumstances .
6 You must have been blown in there by the blast of the bomb .
7 You must have been listening to the B.B.C. or something . ’
8 Those two had a photo to watch for you coming off the plane — which means you must have been followed to Helsinki Airport .
9 Well you must have been going during the day while I was at work then .
10 I THINK you must have been going to small moneylenders to be quoted interest rates of this sort .
11 In order to qualify for these national insurance benefits , you must have been married to your husband on the date he died .
12 ‘ Well , you should have been concentrating on what you were saying .
13 ‘ In that case , tell me what you were doing modelling shorts when you should have been rehearsing with the wedding dress you 're to wear at the show . ’
14 You should have been notified by your employer if he opted for this but if you never heard anything , or can not remember , write to that employer , or to the DHSS , and enquire .
15 ‘ It leaves me wondering why you should have been chosen for this very tame assignment .
16 If you are concerned that you might have been exposed to sources of infection , especially if you have been unwell for some time , you can discuss your concerns with your family doctor or antenatal clinic .
17 It is understandable to be worried and scared if you think you might have been exposed to HIV .
18 In relation to the concept of a new settlement the Department very firmly has an open mind at a time , we 've heard many statements drawing on the various P P G s , and from some of them you might have been excused for thinking that the Department had indeed turned it turned its back on the idea of a n new settlements , knowing that sort of situation we felt it appropriate before the start of this examination to sound out the residents of two Marscham Street
19 You might have been driving for years by going over the top of the wheel as a lot of lorry drivers do .
20 th you er I mean if it were very heavy you 'd almost sort of be prepared for it to go , but you know when you 're s s standing with a , something quite light , and you might have been standing with it a little while in your hand , and then suddenly the hand goes and ca n't you see that 's ve that 's very upsetting , it makes you not very confident .
21 Your , your arithmetic has really improved you know , you can do these things in your head now whereas not all that long ago you 'd have been reaching for the calculator thinking , oh I ca n't do that .
22 You 'd have been born in Ireland if things , history and all had been different . ’
23 You 'd have been crushed to a point .
24 of done Quickspend , you 'd have been looking at figures that showed a lot more profitability .
25 ‘ Or they should have sold you to some terrible household where you 'd have been treated like a dog .
26 you 'd have been relying on to come and and collect you Newcastle yesterday , and he ai n't got a car .
27 I know but you could 've been fetched from Grand Canaries .
28 So you could have been killed by one of our own guns ?
29 You could have been killed by your own foolhardiness and so could others in an attempt to find you . ’
30 Dropped in , blindfolded , you could have been forgiven for thinking you were in Surrey were it not for the unmistakable twang of the Ulster accent .
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