Example sentences of "you [vb mod] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you are still not satisfied you may send your complaint to the Health Service Commissioner ( Ombudsman ) , at Church House , Great Smith Street , London SW1P 3BW .
2 If , for any reason , you then decide that you do not want Home Improvement Loan Protector cover , you may return your Certificate to NatWest within 14 days for cancellation without charge .
3 Your Insurance Certificate will be forwarded to you as soon as the Home Improvement Loan arrangements have been completed but if for any reason , you then decide you do not want the cover , you may return your Certificate within 14 days for cancellation without any charge .
4 You may return your Policy within 15 days of receiving it , if it does not meet with your full approval .
5 After the payment of one full year 's contribution you may encash your Bond at any time .
6 If you encounter him , Fiend , you may exercise your fiendishness on him without restraint ! ’
7 Remember — one day you may owe your life to a blood transfusion .
8 Er n not really , you you may talk your way into some peasant 's house , and er er he 'd give you a scrambled egg or or something like this , and er that was something , if you got a scrambled egg .
9 Otherwise you may land your client in an unnecessary appeal .
10 You may set your mind at rest . ’
11 This may not be the case , be realistic about your needs : do not skimp on food or heating or you may put your life at risk in the winter .
12 You may find your temper on a short fuse when confronting your child or teenager for the umpteenth time .
13 It means you may get your way without having to resort to desperate remedies .
14 But remember — if you accept a repair you may lose your right to a full refund later .
15 But remember — if you accept a repair you may lose your right to a full refund later .
16 ‘ Then while you are considering what those circumstances may be , you may allow your regard for your duty to sustain you while you fetch me another of these . ’
17 You may recall my story from the April issue , headlined No Protection .
18 ‘ I think , before you start leaping to conclusions , you ought to ask your mother about it .
19 You ought to try your hand at some fiction one of these days . ’
20 Yeah you must leave your vest on
21 If you intend to discontinue storage you must notify your intention in writing to this office , in accordance with the conditions of your existing licence , in order that the necessary safety measures may be seen to .
22 If you want to suspend this policy you must send your certificate of motor insurance back to us .
23 If you want to suspend this policy you must send your certificate of motor insurance back to us .
24 If you want to suspend this policy you must send your certificate of motor insurance back to us .
25 If you want to suspend this policy you must send your certificate of motor insurance back to us .
26 We shall come south as soon as possible and review the situation and you must prepare your mind for returning with us until some suitable person can be found to share Bishopstow with you . ’
27 In a hollowed stone , of course , and you must scratch your body-mark upon the stone so that I can decorate it later . ’
28 You must make your move at the first available opportunity .
29 ‘ Alison , you must set your life in order , and that will set ours in order .
30 You must organize your storage around the work areas according to what
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