Example sentences of "you [verb] they all the time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What , you mean you hear them all the time ?
2 Robots 'll do whatever you ask them all the time , but they do n't think .
3 so on a Sunday I used to say right I 'm not gon na take my tablets today because it 's a waste of a tablet if you 're gon na eat like that , and on a Sunday I used to be absolutely exhausted because you take them all the time and they keep you going and then when you stop taking them they 've just , you wind down
4 You had them all the time — you trailed me round — you bloody filthy lying bastard — you poked my head into every shit-bin in Bristol — you led me up hill and down dale till my feet were dropping off — you made me steal some people 's boat — I could 've been got by the police — I might be festering in jail now — handcuffed — criminal — you do n't care , you 're criminal anyway — I would n't be surprised if you 'd murdered half a dozen innocent people and cut them up and kept their pieces stashed away in the hole where you 've been hiding my bag and my things and my money and my dreams … ’
5 So no one 'd ever know it was you had 'em all the time .
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