Example sentences of "you [verb] [to-vb] [adv prt] for a " in BNC.

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1 Did you want to stand up for a minute ?
2 You want to go out for a wee wee puss ?
3 and go out and that , if you want to come down for a couple of days .
4 ‘ But you want to stay on for a couple more days ?
5 ‘ Would you like to go out for a drink ? ’
6 I met him at my wee cousin 's wedding — he was the Best Man — he says to me would you like to go out for a bite to eat ?
7 Would you like to come round for a cup of tea ? ’
8 She said politely , ‘ Would you like to come in for a last drink ? ’
9 ‘ Would you like to come in for a … cup of coffee or something ? ’
10 You try to get up for a cup of tea
11 To get the tickets you had to sign up for a complete tour and hospitality package , available through Travelforce , a travel agency in Durban — of which the then President of the Natal Rugby Union , and member of the Executive of the ( former ) SARB , just happened to be a director .
12 ‘ And — ah — I shall be in my study , and delighted to meet any of you , should you care to come along for a chat , ’ said the headmaster , very much as an afterthought , and clearly hoping they would n't .
13 You have to sit down for a minute —
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