Example sentences of "you [verb] [adv] [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I wondered where you 'd got , we did ring one night couple of weeks ago but we did n't get an answer and I said well I did n't know whether you 'd perhaps popped up the club .
2 That means you 'd better sort out the hams and cheeses , Bella .
3 She , she was off , off sick and er so for the last six months I did sister 's duties which was very useful because er it , it , it gave me that little bit of independence , working on my own whereas before you 'd always got either the staff nurse or the sister to fall back on .
4 In general terms , if you machine currently has either an MFM or RLL drive , investing in a cacheing controller card for it will be an unwise investment — assuming you can find one , that is .
5 In fact , you were probably in your adult state when you bought this book to help you decide how to figure out the next stages of your life .
6 it 's that much bigger so , you know just see how the top one goes and then I can copy that to the bottom
7 But what you do a lot I think is you know how to do quite a few things but you 're concentrating I mean here you 're thinking , Ah all I 'm doing now is where w w get the commas in the right place .
8 Keep moving right and you should find the concert permit , jump up onto the purple wall and walk right to the other side , get one of the three crates and kill the mugger , then walk to the right and jump up three platforms to reach a heart , fall down to where you started then climb down the ladder with a crate , kill the workman , go down another level and kill the mugger ( avoiding the dog ) , go down another level , climb down the ladder and go down again , you can risk hitting the wire and flame to collect the records ( macho time again ) , climb down a final ladder and jump off to the left .
9 How will I ever get to sleep tonight if you keep on mussing up the bed like this and wandering about ?
10 So you knew how to carry out a literature search before you came on this course ?
11 You go on to pick up the beginnings of the Water of Nevis and the homeward leg .
12 You go on piecing out the picture
13 Instead , you end up handing over the wonderful chunky sweater you bought only last week — and a selection of his favourite paperbacks .
14 I must draw to your attention that during a recent survey it was noted that you did not appear to be complying fully with the statutory requirements in that you did not show legibly the price of some goods displayed for sale , namely at your premises .
15 another scenario that comes up quite often is that , somebody comes in and say my kids have n't had any food all over the weekend because you did n't send out a giro
16 My parents went absolutely nuts because all my family are coal miners — my grandfathers , my uncles — and the idea was that if you got a chance you did n't go down the pit , but I wanted to .
17 You did n't take up a profession , you went into politics and gave them up again ? ’
18 And you did n't look out the
19 You did n't get over a broken romance that quickly .
20 You made quarter-hour points and you did n't know where the sergeant was going to pick you up .
21 But , he maintains , if you do n't throw up a lot of worthless ideas you are unlikely to come up with sensible ones either .
22 ‘ But you do n't stop there every time ? ’
23 We do have to take a leaf , a little bit out of Kenzie 's book from the n the late nineteen thirties and afterwards , that when things are receding , you do n't batten down the hatches , you do n't simply close things in .
24 But there were loads of spaces and I also happen to know that if you do n't stay long the hotel management does n't mind . ’
25 I would say you could defend the British position because what it seems to me to be based on is first of all the idea that the institution itself should make the decision , and that surely is a democratic start , that you do n't lay down a rule from Newcastle to John O'Groats , or wherever , and that the people in the institution have a certain chemistry together .
26 Do you actually fail the year if you do n't hand in a piece of work ?
27 We 'll come back on to that later on , because it , it , it , if this is what happens with you , because what 's happening there is , you 're not using the adrenaline , and we will , we 're moving on to that where you do n't use up the adrenalin .
28 You do n't join up a W.
29 You do n't join up a W do you no .
30 Unlike some holiday companies , we do n't believe in always charging you more money just because you do n't fill up an apartment .
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