Example sentences of "you [verb] [pron] [art] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Three , six , nine twelve , can you lend me a few fingers ?
2 Simultaneously mythic and painstakingly real ( ‘ the giant Exxon sign/That brings this fair city light ’ ) , his cityscape was inhabited by characters whose lives were condensed into their names , a few gestures or scraps of dialogue ( ‘ Hey , Eddie , can you lend me a few bucks
3 okay Right you mentioned it a few minutes ago you suggested that this thing was formed .
4 Could you give me a few examples ?
5 Can you give me a few examples ?
6 Even , for instance , what you told me a few weeks back ?
7 mm , have you had it a few years ?
8 Not until you give me a few answers and do me the courtesy of telling the truth . ’
9 ‘ Afraid your lords and masters will fire you if you allow me a few minutes to put the subject on hold ? ’
10 ‘ Were n't you saying something a few months ago that too quiet a life was bad for a writer 's creativity ?
11 Then they continue , they hand you the tape , you ask them a few questions , like what the band 's called , how long you 've been working together , and bla bla bla , and then erm , I think I I 'm actually doing it with Kent and James and they 're not thick .
12 I want you to tell me a few things and then I 'll let you go back to sleep , all right ? ’
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