Example sentences of "you [verb] [verb] it [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you want to put it like that , yes . ’
2 No , well you want to put it in that front lawn .
3 why do you have do it with that one ?
4 You see because if you start doing it like that I mean , you could say th th the mathematical skills , you could say well he 's good on number , but his graph work is poor and you know , he di , you know , you can not you ca n't
5 F of F of erm and I think you do need it on that .
6 Once you 've trained it like that to test it on this pattern all you do is take the pack into the system and see whether you can
7 and how I could , we 'd see him passing and he used to keep , he used to live in a li , like it was a farm place further on , Sand Mill Cafe , I do n't know whether you 've seen it along that road
8 It 's us and people out there , there is still people out there sighing and crying and groaning under the detestable things that are going on in this world , I 've no doubt you 've met many , but , when they say I do n't know what the world 's coming to , well if you know what 's in your magazines and then your literature and the reasoning book , all these lovely provisions , because you 've devoured it , you 've eaten it like that scroll that John was given , it was sweet to him was n't it ?
9 You 've got to be over there for eleven o'clock and you 've had it after that to get anywhere else
10 You 've set it for that rough track . ’
11 But if a file comes up that looks like Sarah 's file , and you fancy copying it to that floppy you can say yes and it 'll copy it on there .
12 With a great big cans , you had to fill it with that molasses , and we had to pour this all over the grass and then , shorts , our shorts were cut off breeches you see because then we used to wear them first and we cut off them off to make shorts .
13 you have to do it with that hand
14 If it , it get , goes in you have to put it in that one
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