Example sentences of "not have a [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For this reason the House of Lords held that in certain cases an applicant for a declaration or an injunction should not have a choice of procedure : in certain cases it would be and ‘ abuse of the process of the court ’ for an applicant seeking a declaration or an injunction to proceed otherwise than by way of an AJR under Ord. 53 .
2 It is also necessary , in areas where student members are small , to select experts who are seen to be neutral and do not have a conflict of interest with the college .
3 Mergers between these firms have had the effect of reducing the number of accountants who do not have a conflict of interest , simply because there are fewer firms .
4 Mr Lang has decided that Yorkhill and the city 's Southern General Hospital do not have a scale of teaching and research to justify such representation .
5 But they were kept going in it , rather perhaps at the discretion of those running the schemes rather than to throw them out , and as a result we did not have a scrap of vandalism in the area during the whole of the summer holidays .
6 Items in angle brackets are not specified in the target text but they are not ruled out either since Chinese and Japanese do not have a category of number .
7 It may sometimes be necessary or desirable in certain contexts to specify plurality or duality in languages which do not normally specify such information because they do not have a category of number or a dual form .
8 When one of those crisp , sunny days does arrive , make absolutely sure that control surfaces or the tail cone of taildraggers do not have a mass of ice concealed within them .
9 I speak on behalf of Playback not as Playback itself , but as Playback being part of the Regional Council that can a bit , now I was at a meeting this morning where I , I sort of absolutely had to read the riot act about Playback because they do not have a set budget whether you know this or not , they do n't have a standard budget as they should have , we 've fought for this for years , what we do is , we survive through crisis to crisis , now some money has been extracted from the Playback budget and whilst I have to share two bits of Playback , you know , the , the actual Playback charitable , voluntary bit , and the Regional Council , I mean they , I , I can say that they do not have a backing of money that they can fall back on , too many backs there , but I mean really I would say that I would be concerned if it was Christmas before we were ready , I , I ca n't help but think if we could and I mean , very , very happy to work with , with anybody and everybody on this to try and get these things pulled up quite quickly , I mean if it 's forms to be filled in then
10 Simon had little reason to be grateful or even appreciative of Jesus because he did not have a sense of wrong .
11 The letter does not have a line of symmetry and if we make the right side look exactly like the left , we get a circle with lines on it .
12 Spanish , Portuguese , Arabic and Japanese are the most useful languages , Sir Alfred says , because they ‘ have a wide catchment area containing many decision-makers who may not have a command of English ’ .
13 The core will need to recognise that it does not have a monopoly of expertise and knowledge .
14 For all their probable weaknesses , however , the civil service , business and the unions do not have a monopoly of conservatism and resistance to change .
15 Men did not have a monopoly of travel , or of disguise .
16 Simply because the Crown does not have a right of appeal against sentence .
17 Currently a solicitor does not have a right of audience ; only members of the Bar may appear before the court , although , again , reference should be made to the provisions of the Court and Legal Services Act 1990 .
18 If innkeepers did not have a right of sale they would be left with the property of guests which they could not realise in order to satisfy the debt .
19 In our country , there are many religious sects , such as the Evangelists and the Jehovah 's Witnesses , who do not have a policy of commitment to the poor and oppose trade union organization .
20 Unfortunately , it does not have a lot of software support , and the price — about £750 — puts it beyond most people 's reach .
21 If a group does not have a lot of money , it may instead call upon public sympathy to sustain its views in the policy-making process .
22 We do not have a lot of time left in which to act …
23 Britain is one of the few democracies that still does n't have a freedom of information act .
24 We simply have to be sensible and professional , and we wo n't have a speck of trouble . ’
25 Of teachers , four examples , at random , covered approachability , humour and sensitivity ( SED 1989:8 ) : If you do n't have a sense of humour and ca n't laugh with the weans , you 'd crack up more easily .
26 For , of course , he would deny everything to the police , and , though she knew she was right , she did n't have a shred of evidence .
27 If you do , I 'll forget every agreement we ever had , and I 'll fight you with everything I 've got , so that by the end you wo n't have a shred of reputation left — ’
28 " I do n't see , " continued Mrs Maugham , " why you should n't have a bit of fun too .
29 This gourmet 's challenge had been taken up successfully upon only one occasion , when a patron ordered elephant 's testicles on toast and the chef was forced to admit that he did n't have a bit of bread in the house .
30 I said what shape , not size you do n't have a choice of size they 're all the same .
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