Example sentences of "not been [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And , the greatest guilt of all , if she had not been in Maisie 's house … if Maisie had not been tending to the birthing … then the fire would not have happened and that darling woman would be alive today .
2 Has the right hon. and learned Gentleman not been listening to the chorus of demands from the CBI , from the trade unions and now also from a number of Conservative newspapers for an increase in capital allowances for manufacturing industry ?
3 It slapped a ‘ for sale ’ sign on both flagships some months ago but buyers have not been queuing at the door .
4 Also , they generally had not been living in the city ( in this case , in Birmingham ) long enough ( 5 years ) to obtain council housing and , if they had , they were generally offered sub-standard short-life housing in the inner city .
5 They had not been talking about the Dane , but she felt disinclined to revert to a discussion about the ease with which Vitor could persuade her to go to bed with him .
6 Auditors are normally concerned with ensuring that the accounts of a firm are an accurate record of its financial position and that employers or directors have not been absconding with the funds or ‘ fiddling the books ’ .
7 In a series of other cases from eyres where Mettingham had been one of the justices the auditors accepted his ‘ record ’ that he had not been sitting in the court when the case concerned was decided .
8 And so if you have not been concentrating on the question
9 Mr Pearse said : ‘ Do not think that we have not been fighting for the price of Midland shares that we have just received .
10 We in the PAC have not been fighting for the crumbs from the master 's table . ’
11 She was right , as it happens , but Scarlet , not being clairvoyant , could n't be expected to know that and resigned herself to yet another evening which would not be wholly enjoyable even had she not been going to the theatre .
12 There were frogs all round us , bubbling away , and we sat still for a bit and then he said , ‘ That 's the sound of Africa — it 's one of the things I love best ’ , and I knew he had n't been thinking about the baby or about me .
13 The only thing I can tell you with certainty is that Master Meredith has n't been riding since the accident .
14 They had n't been working on the slate face , they had n't worked any slate , but they were doing all right on the tables , you know on the sawing the slate up for the others .
15 ‘ I 'm going to see a sports psychologist because I have n't been focusing on the job and I must become more positive . ’
16 We 've been quoting Morrissey repeatedly from a Record Mirror interview and he has n't been talking about the pain of youth , the imagery of sixties films or the perception of Oscar Wilde .
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