Example sentences of "not been [vb pp] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 LIFESPAN can be set to automatically offline modules which have not been accessed for a configurable latency period .
2 This section describes those facilities available within LIFESPAN to transfer modules to offline storage automatically when they have not been accessed for a configurable period of time .
3 Alternatively , an automatic offline requestor ( STOREMAN ) is available to select modules which have not been accessed for a configurable period of time .
4 There were two posts allocated for social workers , but these had not been filled for a long time .
5 That means programs have still not been written for a whole range of complex new tasks that GPs will be asked to do .
6 The clothes had not been disturbed for a long time and were as thick and tangled as jungle foliage .
7 In general , estate development has not been studied for the pre-Conquest period — there are not enough documents and the field evidence is enigmatic .
8 Further promoter deletions have not been analysed for the murine NF-L gene to permit a functional comparison to be made of the minimal regulatory sequences that are needed for neuronal-specific expression in human and mouse genes .
9 After all , in 1,189 densely-printed pages , space has not been found for a single illustration .
10 Yet even though in my part Welsh has not been spoken for a long time , and indeed the natives have even forgotten the Welsh pronunciation of our Celtic place-names , it would not cross my neighbours ' minds that just living there makes me Welsh .
11 Dust layered the bottom of the chamber pot ; it had not been used for a long time and was probably meant for show .
12 London Ambulance Service workers claimed the system crash last October led to people 's deaths , but yesterday 's document said an examination of 26 cases considered by coroners ' courts showed the LAS had not been blamed for a single death .
13 Mr Wormwood 's fine crop of black hair was now a dirty silver , the colour this time of a tightrope-walker 's tights that had not been washed for the entire circus season .
14 ‘ He had n't been beaten for a long time , and was very confident so I think defeat came as a bit of a shock .
15 it does n't matter because all of them are as it happens fairly er new and indeed as Kevin says quite correctly , dry because they have n't been used for a long time .
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