Example sentences of "not be [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The exercise of these powers can not be successfully challenged in the courts unless it can be shown that the Home Secretary has acted unreasonably or perversely .
2 Details which are ignored in the source text but which have to be specified in the target language can pose a serious dilemma for the translator if they can not be reasonably inferred from the context .
3 However , an irregular inflection like sung would be listed , so that the lexical rule for the formation of the regular plural present tense would not be inappropriately applied to the base to give singed .
4 Other monies will not be separately identified from the general rate support grant from the Department of the Environment , a decision which will make it very difficult to identify exactly what is being spent on services by individual authorities .
5 In order to regulate this market to prevent domination and exploitation , the terms of contractual obligations can not be freely chosen by the parties but are shaped by a concern for trust , solidarity and fairness .
6 Consequently , more time can be spent by the clearinghouse personnel on the sophisticated and time-consuming enquiries which require information and material that has not been or can not be conveniently added to the database , an those which are of an advisory nature .
7 Manager Kevin Keegan is confident Bracewell will not be unduly troubled by the tendon trouble .
8 Since that can not be effectively done under the law as it stands , there must be created a new body of law of the sort that has come to be called administrative law .
9 The following response : ‘ Topics which can not be adequately covered by the Council 's training policy ’ was rare .
10 Nevertheless , there was considerable anxiety among advisers that they would not be adequately prepared for the changeover .
11 It can be argued that the interests of the various groups affected by company decision making — employees , local communities , consumers , and all of us , through our interest in the environment , for example — are invested with a moral significance that can not be adequately captured within the relatively finite external legal controls that are currently relied on to regulate the terms on which wealth is created .
12 The Secretary of State argued , inter alia , that the selection process necessary now that the grammar schools were to be retained could not be adequately organised within the available time , and that this was unreasonable behaviour within section 68 .
13 This would create a great strain on the NHS , which would be dominated by the high-risk groups who would not be particularly welcomed by the private insurance companies .
14 Behaviour can not be developmentally divided into the inherited and the learned ( or environmental ) ; all behaviour is influenced by both factors .
15 Lines distinguishing different groups and generations could not be completely erased by the building of a sense of common commitment and endeavour .
16 For example , permission to carry out development can not be completely frustrated by the terms of the condition .
17 Generally , one topic merges into another , and it may not be easily seen at the time that a change of topic has occurred .
18 However , what is perceived as the belligerent , aggressive , lively , gregarious character of the Afro-Caribbean pupil , can not be easily ignored by the teachers , and presents a constant reminder of the nature of the school .
19 Holders Waringstown flashed a warning that they will not be easily deprived of the trophy , sweeping out Phoenix Park for only 45 in Dublin and winning by nine wickets .
20 A band that rages across the rock firmament with such intensity that they can not be easily assimilated into the serried ranks of all the other homogenous contenders .
21 The recognition of parents who intentionally harmed their children could not be easily accommodated within the understanding of what these services were there to do : the scandals and the subsequent enquiries revealed time and again that social workers could not see what to lay people was painfully obvious , and what lawyers and other professionals ( with the benefit of hindsight ) constructed to be their duty to recognize .
22 Although their output can not be easily measured like the productivity of a factory , nevertheless they are vital to the nation 's economy as well as to its stability and happiness .
23 [ The ] political function [ of ministers and departments ] can not be easily translated into the language of financial management ’ .
24 Credit Data told us that their policy was that only information about people under the same name should be passed where there was any possibility of multiple occupancy at a given address , but we felt that at least at the time of our visit this policy might not be clearly understood by the operators themselves , who might give information about people with other names at the given address , too .
25 But Foucault 's own subsequent work shows that it could not really be a question of choice on these terms , for the simple reason that , as he himself is at pains to point out in The Order of Things , history is itself a discursive practice : while the latter can not be simply equated with the textual , it can not be crudely opposed to it either .
26 A knowledge of the working of a solicitor 's office , particularly er o of those departments handling non-contentious business , can not be automatically imputed to the judge or to council and he may as well make it is not uncommon for an expert witness to give evidence of what he would have done in a particular situation after consideration and er I resign on that because in my submission er the issues in this case are clearly issues of mixed fact and law and my Lord it is seen from the report handed up that there is particularly in relation to the erm financial aspect of the case , reference to a provision within a professional conduct of solicitors guide as to what the nature of the er duties of the solicitor in the situation is .
27 This information would not be automatically collected from the request , but is essential in order to describe the person fully , and the retrieval process has to ensure that it is provided .
28 Sources claim the Government is keen on cause the agency will not be automatically identified with the security forces in the mind of the public .
29 What is the point of maintaining a proper legal framework for trade unions if law-breaking unions can not be properly punished by the courts ?
30 This newly created honourary office carried with it ex officio membership of the executive committee so that , it was hoped Ayliffe 's years of experience would not be wholly lost to the Association by his decision not to offer himself for reelection as President .
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