Example sentences of "he did so [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Goldwyn tried to stamp his own notions of quality and Americanism on his pictures , but he did so as a tycoon , in competition with writers , directors and stars .
2 When Charles came to visit , he did so as a guest , and when he departed he left no possessions behind him .
3 ‘ Held with the intention ’ has come to mean brought into being with the intention , on the part of anyone , and subsequently held , by him or by anyone else' ; and if that is what the draftsman intended or was instructed to express , the conclusion is irresistible that he did so with a degree of competence that would not have disgraced a chimpanzee learning the piano .
4 Unfortunately , he decided to side with Detroit on the day , so that he might be as comfortably partisan as usual , but he did so among a group of Pittsburgh supporters , whom he referred to throughout the same as Pitts-buggers , which did nothing to improve inter-City relations .
5 When a Masai owned up to cattle raiding and invited punishment he did so in a spirit , not of insolent defiance , but of self-respect .
6 So , for example , when Barth came in a later volume of the Church Dogmatics to discuss the image of God in man , he did so in a fashion which led Brunner to assert that Barth had now changed his ground , and adopted Brunner 's own stance as developed in Nature and Grace .
7 One of the features of Ben Jonson 's Workes 1616 was not only that Jonson was the first English dramatist to present his plays as worthy of serious literary attention but also that he did so in a folio format .
8 He did so in a speech in the Norman town of Bayeux — a symbolic location because this town had been one of those that he had visited in his first trip to liberated territory in June 1944 .
9 He did so in a letter to the Conservative MP which was just 26 words long .
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