Example sentences of "he had be [v-ing] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had been scouring a pan , but now put it on another jerry-can to drain , alongside two clean plates .
2 He had been acting a bit strangely recently . ’
3 He had been drinking a lot of beer , but he says he heard cries .
4 Would the ship 's company have been saved if he had been singing a hit from the music-halls ?
5 He had been trying a pipe recently , but was not making much progress .
6 I picked one of them up and was struck to the heart , for it was obvious that he had been writing a lot of poetry , all of it , so it seemed to me , very good .
7 In the meantime he had been pursuing a policy of rationalizing the trade by buying patent and grain distillery businesses that were in difficulty , collaborating closely with the large blending houses .
8 On Aug. 27 Dieter Gerhardt , a former commander of the Simonstown naval base , was released from prison where he had been serving a life sentence since 1983 after being convicted of acting as an agent for the Soviet Union [ see p. 32659 ] .
9 The plaintiff would have suffered the injuries even if he had been wearing a belt .
10 His injuries were worse than they would have been if he had been wearing a seat belt .
11 1.11 In Roberts v Sparks [ 1977 ] CLY 2643 , where the plaintiff was thrown out of the defendant 's vehicle , the court reduced his damages by 25 per cent because the injuries he suffered would clearly have been avoided by wearing a seat belt ; but it added back 5 per cent for the injuries he would have suffered if he had been wearing a seat belt .
12 A lunch with the Capo dello Squadro Anti-Terrorismo that he had been waiting a year for , a session with a good guy in the Guardia di Finanze , and a squash game with Dieter who was number two to the Legal Attaché , and he just did n't know whether he 'd be back before the Little League All Stars trip to Naples and the game against the Sixth Fleet which was the high point of the season which they played now courtesy of the Italian sunshine into late fall .
13 Mungo had the impression that he had been waiting a lifetime to answer that question .
14 He had been planning a trip to Jamaica before he left for France .
15 He had been planning a hunger strike for the right of his French wife Christine to visit him : Serfaty was taken from prison and bundled into a plane bound for France and exile .
16 He had been keeping a watch on Terry Place at the hospital .
17 Woolley looked as if he had been fighting a forest fire : his eyes were red , his face was filthy , and one ear had bled down his neck .
18 He had been defending a woman who was accused of driving a car at a mother and her two-year-old child .
19 He had been feeling a bit better for the last few days : He had repaired the fence between the Britches and Ron Paget 's yard , filled two black plastic sacks with rubbish and had embarked on a vigorous assault upon dead and decaying trees .
20 He had been cultivating a strain of ‘ Sweet Dreams ’ , the variety which had been selected as Rose of the Year in 1988 .
21 I shared a compartment with a tanned young man , blond as only a Swede can be , in wire-rimmed glasses and a pony-tail , who was returning to Göteborg from Algeciras , where he had been visiting a girlfriend , as he put it .
22 He had been visiting a youth club in Lewisham , where twenty-four members , all black , had recently been arrested on mugging charges .
23 Instead , he had been answering a barrage of questions from an invited audience of supporters , who passionately implored the amiable Irishman to guide their side into the Fourth Division .
24 And he had been spending a fortune , perhaps as much as £300,000 , on her .
25 It was after he had been spending a Sunday with her that the accident happened .
26 Alan Slade told the court how he had been approaching a road junction when he saw a man and a woman arguing .
27 He ended up 200 miles off course and when the Salisbury beacon came in showing a 160 mile track error to the west , he realised he had been following a star !
28 Senator Jaime Guzmán Errázuriz , founder and leader of the right-wing Independent Democratic Union ( UDI ) , was shot at point-blank range by two gunmen as he left the Catholic University in Santiago , where he had been giving a law lecture , on April 1 .
29 The eyes of four respectable women , bright with friendly interest , were looking eagerly towards him and somehow he found himself unable to explain that he had been making a study of extra-marital relations , detached and scientific though this had of course been .
30 But he 'd done this before and then suddenly , by a single comment , Willi would reveal that he had been playing a game all along .
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