Example sentences of "he was [verb] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Shortly after Frank 's release our belief that there was another hostage in the apartment was borne out when he was moved into the room next door where Frank had spent his last day .
2 The fair hair had faded to a dusty grey , and his skin looked pale and unhealthy , as if he spent too much time indoors , but the green eyes were lusty with life and rebellion against the confines of the wheelchair he was manoeuvring into the room
3 He was bundled into the back among the old tyres and coils of rope , while she climbed into the front beside the driver .
4 Jenkins locked the door , pocketed the keys , then his hands were tied behind his back before he was bundled into the back of the van after Graham and Laidlaw .
5 He was remanded into the care of the local authority until tomorrow .
6 Then , as she obeyed , he was reaching into the back seat of the car and lifting out Kirsty , who had never once stirred .
7 He was just beginning to worry about his fuel situation when he was called into the searchlight area , only to be fired on by A.A. He advised Control that he was coming in to land and requested that the flare path be lit , but was advised that there was still an alert in force and therefore no flare path could be employed .
8 Then he realised that for the first time he was looking into the front of a hurricane .
9 The footpath passes ( on the right ) the Beroldingen castle which probably occupies the site of the earlier castle of 1530 ; attached is a chapel added to it in 1546 by Josua von Beroldingen when he was accepted into the Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem .
10 He was born into the lower-middle-middle or upper-lower-middle or middle-lower-middle class of our hey diddle diddle society , and an adoring mother and a witty but ‘ hilariously unambitious ’ father brought up their only son on rectitude , decency and the mid-century Englishness of tea , quietness , the Daily Telegraph and Somerset cricket .
11 He was led into the development of sensitive instruments for this purpose , and his most lasting achievement was undoubtedly the ‘ gold-leaf electroscope ’ which could still be found 200 years later in school science laboratories as a detector of electrical charge .
12 I shall never forget Jordi 's face , his rueful smile , his fatalistic shrug as he was pushed into the car .
13 However , the curators of the show have deliberately concentrated on the period in Howard Carter 's life before he was thrust into the limelight .
14 He was moving into the hallway , and Maria backed away , afraid of her feelings again , terrified of any physical contact between them .
15 It was increasingly difficult to see what the party line was : the Chief Whip , Lord Edmund Talbot , had summoned Robert Sanders back from war service and after his return in May 1917 he was pressed into the party 's service .
16 Cranmer was born in 1489 and was thus forty years old when he was precipitated into the world of affairs .
17 As he was getting into the train , Jordi smiled and shrugged as he had done that night in Valladolid when the secret police had led him away .
18 In 1911 he was initiated into the schooling process at the Ecole Primaire in Tours .
19 He was initiated into the lodge Zur Wohlthätigkeit ( Beneficence ) whose Master , the palatine chamberlain Otto von Gemmingen-Homberg , was an old family friend and patron .
20 He was on a pushbike and he was sucked into the slip , into the strip blah , into the slipstream of a car lorry
21 Frye 's quivering body slumped and then , turning slightly as he was sucked into the wall as if into some vertical view of a bizarre quicksand , he was quickly absorbed — the wall closing around him ; unmarked and to their eyes , as solid and impenetrable as ever .
22 There was one last bit of excitement for ten-year-old Prince William on the flight home yesterday when he was allowed into the cockpit of the British Airways Airbus as it took off from Zurich .
23 On his eighteenth birthday he was allowed into the casino and , with a hundred Rand stake , won a thousand .
24 Dowling himself was an irregular , a member of the Old Catholic Church , a splinter group that did not recognize the supremacy of Rome ; he was drawn into the cause as a result of saying house Masses for expatriate Nicaraguans in San Francisco .
25 He was ushered into the headmaster 's study and allowed a free call in privacy .
26 No no but he was put into the church .
27 To cleanse his blood guilt , he was put into the service of Eurystheus , who ordered the Labours to be undertaken , one by one .
28 He was put into the picture and was asked his opinion .
29 He was taken into the centre 's new laundry and presented with a bowl and washing powder !
30 After his father 's death he was taken into the house of a rich Christian lady of liberal sympathies — for Origen too liberal since she had a Gnostic chaplain .
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