Example sentences of "he look [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is no way he can focus on the ball properly with him looking over the front shoulder .
2 Guiding his entire policy was a sense of perspective , which allowed him to look beyond the immediate impasse and to visualize a future beyond Algeria .
3 If he ca n't find her at home , tell him to look in the public library in the afternoon .
4 He looks through the little hammock in front of him .
5 Erm now he talks about the vanguards of revolutions i it 's just his distinction between the types of of peasant erm he looks at the rich peasants first of all and originally they 're , they 're not into revolution at all , you know , they do n't want to join peasant associations because they 've got nothing to gain erm as er er had said before , you know , p if you ask a rich peasant to join he 's gon na say well , you know , I 've never heard of such a thing before , you know , I 've , I can manage to live alright , I advise you to gi er give it up or alternatively he may just say , you know , good God no , you know , it 's too dangerous I , I do n't want to be knocked off by my landlord .
6 The author is on stronger ground when he looks at the technical characteristics of various modes .
7 Brian Robinson , I believe , has every right to feel aggrieved when he looks at the other members of the back row .
8 In the first of his ‘ State of Grace ’ reports he looks at the current crises in the Kirk .
9 They 're simply irresistible , says Graham Rice , as he looks at the best types to grow
10 Jack Spier has trouble keeping his emotions under control whenever he looks at the Red Cross letter from his parents saying goodbye .
11 How right you are Mr Deputy Speaker , of course I could n't go into this because it 's out of order but on the other hand I would simply say to the honourable gentleman if he looks at the basic policies , the basic flaw of the E C is it ca n't solve problems and all these new M E Ps we 're thinking of sending over I think we should bear in mind the problem , they 're going over to something where problems ca n't be solved .
12 Suppose that before he looks to the legal record he thinks it would be best to decide for the defendant in McLoughlin because it would be cheaper for the community as a whole if prospective victims insure against emotional injury than if drivers insure against causing it .
13 He looks like the spitting image of him I tell you .
14 When he had recovered himself he looked up the narrow lane and saw a young boy racing into the distance , the white straw hat clutched in one hand and waving at his side as his arms pumped the air with the effort of running .
15 He looked beyond the scudding clouds to the sea far beneath .
16 He looked into the small chamber near the stairs where the mannikin probably ate , lived and slept .
17 Finn stood there helplessly for a moment , his own breath coming in gasps as he looked into the wild eyes of his superior .
18 He looked into the severe face again , noting details .
19 He looked into the old woman 's face , saw the sympathy there and the understanding .
20 ‘ God , what an accursed night ! ’ mumbled Mr Beckenham , and , sipping his liquor , he looked over the makeshift meal with revulsion .
21 He looked through the narrow tavern window .
22 First he looked through the typed notes that Diane had done for him .
23 He looked through the small windows , then motioned for Forster to join him .
24 He looked through the transparent wall .
25 He looked through the smoked window of his Rolls-Royce and sighed .
26 He looked at the young woman , noticing now how her eyes rested possessively on him , and he could n't help wondering if they were right .
27 He looked at the sleeping child .
28 He looked at the torn flower , his eyes hooded .
29 Kress stopped as he looked at the blued muzzle of the .38 .
30 He looked at the small piece of plastic .
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