Example sentences of "he could [verb] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It might not matter in the end — Forester fully expected to be traced and caught-but every difficulty and delay that he could strew behind him could make a final difference of hours or even minutes that might determine the distinction between success or failure .
2 Stevens was one of the most meticulous of film directors and any actor working with him could expect a gruelling time .
3 He realised the medium 's power , and realised that , through it , he could reach a different public and establish a new image with them .
4 If he could get up to Dunbar Castle , he could borrow a good horse there and be in Edinburgh five hours later .
5 It must be shown that the plaintiff acted voluntarily in the sense that he could exercise a free choice .
6 When he presented a complete pantomime , which naturally he had devised , directed , co-composed and co-designed , he could offer a weekly wage for an average of seventy-five artistes in each show .
7 ‘ I 'm sure he does , but I doubt he could protect a miniature poodle , ’ Martin commented , thinking how very vulnerable she was in this big house with only old Clyde to look after her .
8 He was in a fix — he had bought two papers and merged them together , and I was n't around , I was in New York , and I did the logo for him in a hurry , but I did n't have time to design a newspaper , nor was it the kind of thing for which he could pay a big design fee , so he described it on the phone and then he faxed me some pages of the existing papers , and I said well what you have to do is look at the old London Times and do that .
9 He said he had also been offered interviews with ministers in the South African government , so that he could form a balanced judgement , but had declined .
10 Nevertheless , Nivelle resolved to attack , certain that he could achieve a decisive breakthrough .
11 He could exhibit a saint-like submissiveness , become a mere servant of art , willing to learn from anyone ; he would sit patiently at the bedsides of the sick and dying , painting unhappy men and women and feeling awe before peasant earth-mothers , but he could never be coerced into doing anything against his will .
12 A room with breakfast at the inn cost 30 guilders , and for double that he could rent a decent-sized room for a year in Schevengin , a poor district behind the station .
13 And through the star 's casual bonhomie at rehearsals , Charles thought he could detect a growing panic as the awful realisation dawned .
14 Their willingness to do so was confirmed by Libya 's foreign minister , Ibrahim Bechari , who said that Western investigators were welcome in Libya and that the Libyan judge looking into the allegations , Ahmed al-Zawi , would like to have more US or Scottish evidence in the case so that he could conduct a solid interrogation of the two men .
15 But there is nothing to disappoint the collector here : this is a notable issue , and I look forward to hearing Zimmermann in the Beethoven ; on this showing , he could give a splendid account of it .
16 Although the Church of the period lamented Charles ' sexual vigour and lack of suppressive morality , to the modern imagination it seems remarkable that he could rule a vast empire and still have time to devote to three concubines .
17 Or he could marry a rich sheila .
18 One day at rehearsal , to cheer up Dame Edith , the producers gave her £1,000 to go to Hardy Amies so that he could design a new wardrobe for her .
19 He consulted diviners when Anne Boleyn became pregnant , anxious to know whether he could expect a male heir .
20 To his surprise he could feel a warm egg , which he drew out .
21 He could feel a slight erection coming on — the sort he had in bars when he met good-time girls .
22 His upper body felt curiously numb , but he could feel a burning pain deep within him when he breathed .
23 He could feel a moving weight on his legs .
24 Denis returned to his seat , but before he could frame a new approach Josh Cohen started to drum his fingers on the tea-chest , looking about him and nodding his head in a calculating manner .
25 Willis appeared in court in June 1987 and was told he could face a three-year prison sentence .
26 He did n't know the details of the funding of the show , but he could piece a certain amount together .
27 This far underground , not only did Mait 's enhancer have no effect , but he could sense a strong source of pure malevolence which was almost tangibly present all around .
28 Mark , if you think that Strach was looking that far ahead then we should snap him up immediately , as if he is that much of a thinker then he could make a great manager .
29 Bernice did n't know where the Doctor got his talent from , but if he ever got tired of fighting ultimate evil , he could make a healthy profit as an intergalactic busker .
30 Just to satisfy herself that he understood how it was he was able to build out of the vertical , the teacher asked if he could make a bent tower with wooden building blocks .
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