Example sentences of "he have taken [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 By choosing to take at face value all the evidence pointing to the futility of the war , and ignoring all those who believed , with patent sincerity , that they were fighting for something worthwhile against something evil , he has taken cynicism to the point of naivety .
2 But all that we are requiring of him is that , widening his viewpoint from himself to the community , he has taken account of the communal effects of theft , before , as himself not the weigher but the balance , he allows himself finally to settle against or in favour of taking the money .
3 But he was so close , his other hand pulling her hard against his naked chest , his face so near to her own that it was difficult for her to breathe — so difficult that she had to open her mouth to draw in air only to find that he 'd taken advantage of the opportunity to deepen his kiss into one of familiarity .
4 It was his habit to go for a run round his island every day before breakfast , and that morning , because rain was forecast for the rest of the day , he 'd taken advantage of the brief spell of fine weather early on to gather up driftwood from the beach after his run .
5 About four weeks after Martinho 's capture — or his escape from Osvaldo , whichever way you like to look at it — he 'd taken Goreng to the spot .
6 Eleven days after he had taken Estabrook to the encampment in Streatham , Chant realized he would soon be having a visitor .
7 He had heard from other prisoners ( he told Beltrami ) that a man called Ian Waddell had been boasting that he had taken part in the Ayr crime , and then , on a quite different charge , Waddell was sent to Barlinnie himself .
8 In 1973 Waddell admitted to two BBC reporters that he had taken part in the Ayr murder , unaware that one of them was carrying a concealed tape-recorder ; and a programme that included his confession was subsequently broadcast .
9 It would be the third time that he had taken part in the escape and evasion exercises of the Presidential Guard .
10 He had taken part in the search that morning for a while , talked to some of the children from the school , as well as helping to organize the house-to-house .
11 This was an unusual step for Polybius , the more remarkable because he had taken part in the destruction of Carthage .
12 Piggy believed that he was perfectly innocent and after Simon 's murder he refused to believe that he had taken part in the killing .
13 It was more than two decades since he had taken offence at the term-a term used all the while in court , where the Han were predominant and the few Caucasians treated as honorary Han — yet here , in the Domain , he felt the words incongruous , almost — surprisingly — insulting .
14 Mr Barnet was no more than a business acquaintance , but with true American hospitality he had taken pity on the young English couple who had no means of escaping from the city .
15 Before reaching London , Gloucester apparently wrote to the council and to the city 's mayor , explaining that he had taken possession of the prince because the circle around the boy had been inimical to the safety of king and kingdom .
16 Before reaching London , Gloucester apparently wrote to the council and to the city 's mayor , explaining that he had taken possession of the prince because the circle around the boy had been inimical to the safety of king and kingdom .
17 Finding that neither firm was interested , and that further attempts to get the idea taken up had failed , Escoffier dropped the matter until after he had taken charge of the Savoy Hotel kitchens .
18 But by then he had taken refuge in the church , and the service must have been little more than a conversation between him and old MacDiarmid , because not another soul had dared to run the gauntlet and go inside when the clock struck three .
19 After his arrest , he had taken police to the spot , only to find that the cash had gone .
20 There is no evidence that Henry de Bray was ever married and by 1284 he had taken orders in the church which were incompatible with married status .
21 Stephen took particular note of it after he had taken Lyn to the Mootwalk and parked the car in the market square .
22 He 's taken things off the floor and now he 's taken the floor up .
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