Example sentences of "he have [be] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There is no suggestion of possible error of self-doubt when World Bank missions meet a fifty-year-old permanent secretary in a Ministry of Finance , even if he has been receiving similar missions , offering rather different policy prescriptions , for the previous twenty years .
2 From 1977 he has been building luxury homes in various parts of North Wales , and in 1987 began a 16-home development at Deganwy which was to collect special awards .
3 Senator Bob Packwood faces a Senate Ethics Committee over allegations that he has been fondling female aides for years .
4 He has been offered alternative deals to cover both options .
5 Over the weekend he has been at the Spring Thing folk festival at Darlington Arts Centre , where he has been selling home-made ear-rings and Asian crafts .
6 Although he said he 'd bought them from another dealer , the police proved he 'd been handling stolen goods .
7 He 'd been told various stories that had supplied small but interesting details about Mandru 's personality and private life .
8 Tonight , only a few minutes earlier , he 'd been following handwritten signs down a service passageway to the toilets when , for one brief half-second , he 'd seen a local councillor emerging through the doorway with the head of a pig on his shoulders .
9 Now , in retrospect , she could see that marriage to him would have been a ghastly mistake , and that her reaction to discovering that he had been seeing other women while he had been engaged to her had had far more to do with wounded pride than with a wounded heart .
10 He had been given curious looks by the person who gave him the directions which show that he was a stranger as he was not recognised .
11 He had been writing short stories and inventing film scripts since his childhood but it was not until 1940 that one was accepted for publication by Cyril Connolly [ q.v. ] in Horizon .
12 When he 'd first arrived he had lived in a succession of bedsitting rooms on the west side , for which he had been charged extortionate rents by landlords who he never met ; the third night after coming to The Bar for the first time he had slept with someone who knew of someone who had a spare room at a much more reasonable price , and Boy had moved in .
13 He had been watching young chicks , he said , and noted how they explored their environment by pecking at crumbs or other small objects , including their own droppings , but quickly learned to distinguish edible from inedible items .
14 ‘ It came out in the court that he had been robbing old ladies … confidence trickster was the word .
15 Apparently he had been devising procedural systems for years , but nobody used them and everybody laughed at him .
16 He had been playing Happy Families at the time and wondering why it was that the families depicted on the cards should be so happy and his was n't .
17 He had been practising new openings .
18 He 's been getting acting lessons and , on the phone from Tel Aviv , where he 's shooting a film called The Eleventh Station , he agrees that simple muscled heave is beginning to look a little dated .
19 ‘ Yes … but recently he 's been stealing other things from the house , too … ’
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