Example sentences of "he have [verb] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Members of the Dan Quayle Commemorative Foundation hope to display memorabilia he has donated at a converted church in his home town of Huntington , Indiana .
2 It was a late start because of the poor education he 'd received at the local Protestant school .
3 After some confusion over the ordering , Haverford gave them a lengthy account of his love affair with one of a pair of identical twins whom he 'd met at a Red Mole party in 1965 .
4 And Jim went out and got drunk in Invercargill with a man he 'd met at the last A&P show , Bill McKirdy , and he stayed with Bill that night to sleep it off .
5 Earlier today she 'd been jealous because he 'd smiled at the three women in a way he 'd never smiled at her .
6 Of course , it had n't so far done anything of the kind , and he had to arrive at the best thing to do in the circumstances .
7 Having secured the tables and the glasses , he had peered at the dark discoloured oil of an elderly cleric in a shovel hat and opined that this was the work of ‘ our local genius ’ .
8 After the funeral , when they were eating the lunch he had arranged at the Black Lion in Wellingham High Street , Sara was approached by Mr. Crowther , Aunt Alicia 's solicitor and senior partner in Crowther , Boon and Crowther , who had been solicitors in Wellingham for three generations .
9 Minton would have been familiar with Buffet 's art , and that of other picasso-influenced French Realists , either through reproductions or from exhibitions he had seen at the Anglo-French Institute .
10 She had written a receipt for the month 's rent for the garage , which he had proffered at the same time , and had received the book with a watery smile .
11 He had hinted at the possible withholding of US aid to Yugoslavia .
12 The judges decided 7-0 against Mr Santos on the grounds that the party he had joined at the last minute in order to stand , the little-known Brazilian Municipalist Party which was founded by Pentecostal preachers , had failed to register in time .
13 He had taken in the shelf full of Jacob 's own writings , he had paused at the artful photograph of a striking blonde woman who he had no doubt was Jardine 's wife .
14 Blood trickled down his calves where , while writing , he had clawed at the cracking patches on his legs .
15 He paused by the window seat , a replica of one he had noticed at the other end of the gallery .
16 Once he had arrived at the Southern Capital , he had proclaimed his loyalty to the old gods loudly and publicly , disowning the Aten and throwing himself on the mercy of the priests of Amun , who even then were growing bold as the revolutionary pharaoh lost his grip both on reality and his empire .
17 He had arrived at the forward brigade post three hours earlier .
18 Presently he was there , he had arrived at the wooden planks and the criss-crossed supports of the bridge .
19 He had arrived at the precise moment when Elizabeth had begun to sob and then desolately to weep , and all Lydia 's skills , social , sexual and manipulative , had abruptly deserted her .
20 He had arrived at the precise moment when another twist in the plot of a murder weekend was unravelling itself .
21 Now that he had arrived at the wildest part of Britain , he wished to use his adventure in the same spirit as that in which Montaigne wrote his famous Essais — as trials of himself , as investigations of the ideas that arose in the non-stop chatter of his mind .
22 in psychology and chucked in electrical engineering and started a psychology course and he had to work at the same time as he studied for some of that time
23 At times rambling incoherently ( one observer in court thought him demented ) Mathews repeated all the lies he had told at the original trial and added several more .
24 On Oct. 13 , 1989 ( i.e. before the ousting of Zhivkov ) , the BCP newspaper Rabotnichesko Delo published the transcripts of letters sent to the Soviet leadership in the 1940s by Bulgaria 's first communist leader , Georgi Dimitrov , in which he had protested at the wrongful incarceration in the Soviet Union of Bulgarian communists during the Stalinist terror .
25 Indeed , the year before , he had spoken at the Moot of his hope , according to the minutes , " for occupation in some form of national service without that official status which might shut his mouth , and that he would be free to take part in any work for the future that was possible .
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