Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [art] great [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mageeba makes no concessions to the white political world yet he understands a great deal about it .
2 He represents a great noble of the Empire , perhaps even the Emperor himself .
3 Ben concedes that he owes a great deal of his success to the help he gets from his Mum and Dad .
4 Normally , Mr Rigby says , he has a great admiration for predators but only of the kind that need to be conserved .
5 He has a great vision of the game , and can play stunning rugby — just as he did in the test against New Zealand when some of his tactical options were simply excellent .
6 This film proves he has a great range as an actor . ’
7 He has a great sense of humour and will keep you all well-amused .
8 ‘ Well , ’ Ellen said , ‘ I am very fond of my husband , in spite of my western ways , and I know he has a great respect for you , Nerina ; and is thrilled about your publishing contract , and any betrayal of confidence has been totally inadvertent .
9 Apparently he has a great estate beyond the Sierra Nevada — big hacienda or some such thing .
10 He has a great generosity of spirit and a vast encyclopaedic knowledge that far outstrips the cozy insularity of his contemporaries . ’
11 On the other hand , he has a great deal of confidence in Noorda 's intellectual prowess and innate capitalism to deliver for Sun what Sun needs from USL as USL 's ‘ largest customer ’ : low royalties , available source , open interfaces , technological innovation and resolution of any channel conflict with SunSoft .
12 He has a great deal of land , his fingers in numerous profit-making pies , owns racehorses — and , of course , the added bonus of being extremely attractive to women .
13 He worries a great deal about the house . ’
14 He loves opera , in that the long rehearsal span and run of performances allows him ‘ to get the psychology out of the way in the first few days ’ — clearly , he worries a great deal about the mental interchange with his workforce — but he intends to keep a balance with concert work .
15 Some of his projects , such as Nicaragua , are done for hardly any money and on some of them , he loses a great deal of money .
16 The first he knows that something is up is when he hears a great cry of anguish from the town .
17 He gets a great deal by showing his landscapes at one shilling each visitor .
18 And he attributes a great deal of that to the rapid growth of the development of private homes within his area .
19 He remembers the great side of 1987 that was destroyed by poor selection .
20 He finds a great method of growing your plants on prior to introducing them to your tank .
21 He 's my dead brother 's son and he means a great deal to me .
22 Similarly , he celebrates the great house at Allington , which is early Stuart and built next to the road , with the comment : ‘ To be near the village , so as in some way to afford comfort , protection , and patronage , and perhaps also with a view to the pleasantness of neighbourhood for its own inmates , seemed to be the object of a gentleman when building his house in the old days . ’
23 There are two parts of his life to which he devotes a great deal of space , and to which he returns again and again .
24 I have never heard anything so irresponsible and silly ; he does a great disservice to farmers , who rightly put their confidence in the Government , not him , to get it right .
25 First , he makes a great deal of the struggle with Satan in which Jesus is involved both in the temptation in the wilderness into which the Spirit thrusts him ( Mark 1:12 ) immediately after his baptism ; and also in the healings and exorcisms which follow during the ministry .
26 Remember that a lecturer is usually appointed , not because he can teach , but because he knows a great deal about a particular topic in which he has specialised .
27 Is it true that he knows the great geophysicist in the sky ?
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