Example sentences of "he [vb past] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He avoided going to the prize-giving so that he would n't have to meet her .
2 But he avoided sitting on the sofa next to her although she 'd left space .
3 ALAIN Prost captured his sixth consecutive pole position of the Formula One season as he led qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix today .
4 One of the offences to which Gavin pleaded guilty was a specimen charge of £100 , an amount he admitted taking from the account once or twice a month between March and October 1991 .
5 Some parasites of insect eggs , for instance , can stop a small population of pests from increasing , so application of a pesticide has to he timed according to the number of the larvae of the pests rather than the number of their eggs .
6 He tried squeezing through the bars but it was impossible to escape .
7 From the handgrip he found lying by the door , he pulled out his lightweight kimono and put in on .
8 He found working for the Maharajah so enjoyable that he refused to accept one penny in payment for his 18 years ' service , although the Maharajah supplied all his material needs .
9 It had grown stale and ugly and he 'd left the Party the first time they sent the tanks in , but he did n't stop believing in the dream , the illusion , the myth , any more than he stopped believing in the Devil just because he did n't think there was a God .
10 He stopped thinking about the amount of jam he was taking and leant back in his chair .
11 Frantically crossing himself over and over again , he fled screaming towards the grooms ' quarter as fast as his fat legs would carry him .
12 He practised running on the spot .
13 In the farmhouse he practised putting on the gaiters and found it a struggle .
14 Gwyn Parry of Greasby , however , observed such an excursion when the motive power throughout comprised of a Collett 0–6–0 and Dukedog No 9028 , which he photographed departing from the Down passenger loop platform on the return working .
15 In the next record gap he came trundling into the studio to tell me that the phone call was from the bride 's stepmother .
16 Some hours later he came striding into the station-master 's office to collect me .
17 So apparently last night he came knocking on the door .
18 It seemed a simple system when I got to know it , but wondered what it was all about , with chaps standing in different places and shouting and bawling where they wanted this waggon that was being pushed off , as he came running without the train they diverted it into siding , you see , sorting out a train .
19 I felt and slid my arms under Harry 's and with my feet slipping on the muddy bottom yanked him upwards as fiercely as I could and found him still stuck and yanked again twice more with increasing desperation until finally whatever had been holding him released its grasp and he came shooting to the surface , only to begin falling sluggishly back again as a dead weight .
20 He came rushing across the garden while she sewed and she called out to him to come and try the sleeves .
21 He studied acting under the GI Bill and after touring in summer stock he began landing parts in television as heavies .
22 I 've had some of these trees lopped , " he added peering into the twilight outside .
23 He advised finishing with the architect in Manchester and " getting a local man in " .
24 He hated going on the river at all .
25 He saw how every little niggling thing old Andy had given him to do counted — how one developed his muscle , another his eye , a third his judgement of time and distance ; how each hour he spent working with the foremast hands taught him to know and understand them better against the day when such men as they were would look to him for guidance .
26 ‘ That 's Runner Rowles , ’ he grinned nodding towards the man , ‘ a living example , if you call it that , of what a lifetime of too much cider and not enough grub can do to a man ! ’
27 Suddenly he heard shouting in the distance .
28 In 1854 he began training in the workshops of the Electric Telegraph Co. and four years later transferred to their central London headquarters .
29 He began fiddling with the tripod and did n't answer .
30 He began hacking at the ice on the gauges and the air intakes .
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