Example sentences of "he [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 The vaults were then changed at night or when the bus had finished service and then were counted by a different means , they were counted by machine coin counters and er so , instead of say erm what , sixty or seventy conductors paying in their money , this was all erm on the bus , so there may have been five or six drivers had worked that bus that day and all the takings he 'd taken during the time was all in this night safe in this vault .
2 Would he have flung the bitter allegations and repeated the damning indictment of her which he had made at the time of Simon 's death ?
3 Baldwin , following the conclusion of certain pacts with Philip Augustus , sought to extricate himself from the possible threat of excommunication and interdict on his lands which he had accepted at the time of the agreement if certain conditions were not fulfilled .
4 Through Hoskyns he had come for the time under the influence of the leader of anti-rational European theology , Karl Barth , who at this moment was back in Basle after being expelled from Germany by the Nazis .
5 He had laughed at the time , but the way his stomach was behaving now , he began to fear they had not been jesting .
6 Precisely when and in what circumstances Molla Fenari returned to the Ottoman lands is not entirely clear , though both Ibn Hajar and Taskopruzade assert that he had returned by the time he went on the pilgrimage in 822/1419 .
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