Example sentences of "he [vb past] [prep] a [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am taking you to Jaén , ’ he announced after a few miles .
2 In his later life he became for a few months nearly as famous as Ramsey , though in a different context .
3 David Nicholson says they were ready to write him off l ; astr season when he moved into a new stables so yes they 've got to keep going
4 He drew in a deep kapalabhati breath , concentrating his mind on the renewal of his ch'i , the inner energy which increases strength and speed of reflexes , and imparts greater pliability .
5 Driving back from a game with fellow coloureds , he stopped at a white sports ground to watch a match played by members of the SACU .
6 He played for a few seconds with the animal 's jewelled collar then turned his eyes on me .
7 In any case , how could she look into his eyes and convince him she would n't touch him with a ten-foot pole when every time he came within a few feet of her she quivered inside , remembering the fierce and all too brief pressure of his mouth on hers ?
8 Last autumn he came within a few minutes of death when he slashed his wrists with a razor blade .
9 Then he rested for a few minutes and pushed on again .
10 He rested for a few minutes , before pushing himself on .
11 And he paid over a thousand pounds for it .
12 He walked past a few minutes ago and said that 's the third letter you 've written today why do n't you put them in the same envelope and save postage ?
13 He returned in a few minutes with a very wet and chastened Liam and the cortege was complete .
14 He returned after a few minutes and put the tray on a low table by his chair .
15 ‘ That 's enough ! ’ he called after a few minutes .
16 He thought for a few moments .
17 In order to facilitate a quick arrest under difficult circumstances — ‘ the crowd was jeering and becoming unpleasantly restive ’ — Robert Mark then confesses that he indulged in a little police brutality , by using his strictly non-regulation rubber truncheon to give the offender ‘ a hefty whack on the shin' which apparently broke his leg .
18 He strummed for a few seconds then broke into a sweet-sounding madrigal known to both my master and myself .
19 He struggled through a few games but a swollen knee indicated his problems were not over .
20 Not only that , but he went for a few shots , bravely teasing back the initiative from Mushtaq and Waqar .
21 He was educated at Harrow , from where he went for a few months into his father 's City office , which he hated ; and he spent a term in Göttingen , learning German .
22 Transexual Derek Arnell , 28 , underwent hormone transplants and breast implants and was months away from completing the transformation when he went on a fateful girls ' night out .
23 He persuaded her to bring her husband home , where he died within a few weeks .
24 As he lay for a few seconds recovering from his efforts , Grant ran his eye along the expanse of the steeply sloping roof .
25 He yelled something as he ran/hobbled towards a parked sports car , but I just sat there hypnotized .
26 Lord Newport asked Richard to teach in his place , which he did for a few months .
27 He hesitated for a few seconds , then gave a curt nod .
28 He hesitated for a few seconds .
29 He had about a dozen lorries on the road , and machines er working the roads there , all they were working for nothing for him , these lads and he 'd come along and before Christmas he 'd stop a couple of them , just before Christmas , he used to do that every year .
30 He waited for a few moments to compose himself , then left the court with his arm round his wife , Shirley , to face a large crowd of waiting reporters and cameras .
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