Example sentences of "he [adv] [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although ‘ Milton and Wordsworth exalted me ’ , he eventually buys a complete Byron for two shillings and reads Childe Harold .
2 If the innocent party purports to " accept " such performance , he effectively accepts a new contract .
3 If this is still the case next May he apparently wins a Swiss watch from The Sun in honour of the acheivement !
4 He impatiently plants a swift kiss on my cheek and … and is already gone .
5 Oh he only brings a little bit , I brought loads last time , even though you did n't get a song played
6 Nobody will mind if he just grabs a few minutes ' rest before he moves on — although rest , for Pavel , has become little more than a bothersome physical requirement with no spiritual element in it .
7 He just has a monkish temperament .
8 I hope he soon makes a full recovery . ’
9 At the other end of the scale , promoting a father from being manager of a middle-ranking enterprise to a top-ranking enterprise is also unlikely to alter the son 's chances much , because in all probability he already attends a selective school .
10 ‘ I think he already exacts a fair degree of pleasure from simply being able to make people jump whenever he calls them up . ’
11 Yet he already has an international reputation .
12 Mr Bill Dixon Smith ( Tory ) used to be a near neighbour until recently , but although I understand he is still in the area I have no idea if he still takes an active part in the council elections .
13 He still takes an active interest in Henley Regatta , where he is a steward .
14 But he still maintains a special affection for Northern Ireland , and this has led to an exciting project initiated by the Arts Council , in association with Queen 's University and the Festival — Demidenko will give six recitals in Northern Ireland ( not just Belfast ) plus six masterclasses for five young Ulster pianists , in the 1991–2 season , finishing in May .
15 He still retains a keen interest in criminal justice , and has chaired the ADSW 's criminal justice services committee for the past three years .
16 He still has a 30-years-old Courtelle suit which he kept as a standby for the MBE investiture just in case something happened to his morning dress .
17 Although he still has a long-term ambition to become a managing director of a successful company , for the moment his main aim is ‘ to help build Citigate into a top-quality player ’ .
18 He 's a great leader and although he has done so much , he still has a great future in front of him . ’
19 He still has a great deal to teach us ,
20 ‘ But he still has a malignant disease in the background .
21 He still has an elderly mother living in Yazd .
22 But it is known that he still holds a soft spot for Portadown where his combative midfield drive played a huge part in the County Armagh club 's championship successes in 1990 and 1991 .
23 It adds that , although he lives in Macclesfield , he still makes a weekly trip to his flat in North London ‘ to keep in touch with the seamier side of life which often inspires his work ’ — a habit which has qualified him uniquely to illustrate Mr Boot 's Unauthorised Returns .
24 He always does a good job .
25 He always likes a nice cuddle .
26 He always keeps an open mind .
27 But he is easy to find , for he always wears a blue suit . ’
28 The duty to take reasonable care is confined to the period of 21 days after cancellation ( s72(8) ) , thereafter , he usually becomes an involuntary bailee with a duty to refrain from wilful damage .
29 If we shake someone and ask him if he was asleep he usually has a definite answer .
30 But whether a reckless driver hits a pedestrian depends upon the presence of the pedestrian at the point where he recklessly passes a red light .
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