Example sentences of "he [adv] [vb past] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There were several contemporary examples of similar patriarchal claims by the archbishops of Hamburg , Lyons , and Milan ; Lanfranc may have been inspired by these examples when he vigorously supported the Canterbury claim to patriarchal authority over the whole of the British Isles .
2 When the Royal Society awarded Mendeleyev and Lothar Meyer its Davy medal for the discovery of the periodic law , Newlands renewed his campaign ; he eventually received the Davy medal in 1887 , but was never elected FRS .
3 In 1880 he successfully moved the Buckland yew , with a documented age of 800 years .
4 He only used the ground floor as a café , anyway .
5 He only joined the drama group because the best chicks were in plays ; he did n't especially like dancing in his mid-teens because he had become too fat ; sports interested him , and he was fanatical about basketball .
6 He suddenly grabbed the beer can and hurled it against the wall then upturned the table , sending it crashing against the cooker .
7 Siding covertly with Nasser , he progressively undermined the Suez Canal Users Association , which he himself had created , and sapped British and French confidence in American good faith with every twist in his tortuous attempts to reach a peaceful solution .
8 In 1980 , when Prince Charles introduced his charmingly unpolished bride-to-be to the media , and hence the world , he effortlessly held the centre stage .
9 He just hoped the ale wife strained the ale before she served it to Sir John !
10 I do n't know what was said at the relief office but when Dad came back he just threw the ration card on the table in disgust .
11 It took the usual twenty minutes , and , when he finally entered the conference hall , the motion in favour of Europe was being moved by Gerry Malone , a personable Scot who was now the MP for Winchester .
12 Taking hold of a strong branch , he finally cleared the escape hatch with his legs and dropped to the ground .
13 He thus defined the preformation/ epigenesis controversy .
14 He already had the entry ticket of a couple of rejection slips — one from the BBC .
15 He already found the Iran operation bizarre in any number of ways .
16 But when the rising began on 24 April 1916 he promptly joined the rebel garrison in Jacobs ' factory .
17 ‘ Then , by the same token , ’ said the earl , ‘ you are saying that the man who finished the work was one who did have cause to want Aldhelm removed from the world , before he ever reached the abbey gatehouse .
18 He further told The Art Newspaper that completion of a new wing in 1991 has now given the Brooks the physical space to handle the attendance ‘ WONDERS ’ has drawn .
19 In their best spell just after half-time , Kenny Halliday had a penalty for Grangemouth , and he further interrupted the West flow with another penalty midway through the half .
20 He always rejected the hellraiser label but he began living up to his image when , in 1953 , he embarked on a drunken affair with Vivien Leigh while filming Elephant Walk in Ceylon .
21 He always used the side door which led into a small office .
22 But the planners he hates watched unscathed as he mistakenly attacked the housing department 50 yards away .
23 Reynolds was quite sure , however — excess of caution prevailing again — that he purposely kept the diversion memo out of North 's hands .
24 ‘ Well … maybe one , ’ and he goes on to tell me that in 1967 he once served the Singing Postman ( whose career was then in its ascendance , as a result of his seminal work ‘ Av yew got a light , boy ? ’ ) with a vodka and orange juice as he returned from a triumphant evening at the Ipswich Folk Club .
25 Of these victims 367 were claimed in Farnes 's games for Essex , for whom he once performed the hat trick — against Nottinghamshire in 1939 — and for whom his best performance was 15 for 113 against Glamorgan in 1938 .
26 He unsuccessfully contested the Widnes division in 1885 .
27 ‘ But yes , ’ he replied as he attentively opened the passenger door of his Skoda for her .
28 He also criticized the Blaize administration for the country 's low credit rating .
29 He also said the US administration would seek an additional agreement that would give US airlines new access to British airports and confirmed that he hoped a new aviation agreement could be reached this year between the US and the UK .
30 He also smoked the cigarettes Zborowski provided as part of the contract and managed to get through a bottle of wine .
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