Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 " Anything which could throw light on why someone disliked him enough to smash in his skull . "
2 It was the same thing that made him physically shrink into his scarf and his leather jacket .
3 I do not know if it was the first time since his appointment as executive chef at the Carlton Tower in 1968 , but I do know it was a rare occurrence to see him even emerge from his kitchen , let alone dine .
4 He took Jamie quickly through his story , finding him healthily excited by his part in it , but with an obvious undercurrent of anxiety .
5 But he lacks unction ; he rather plays with his text
6 As he slowly undressed in his room , he heard her come snivelling up the stairs .
7 He does not see the different plants like an agriculturalist , nor the medicinal roots like a physician , but everything that he sees with his material eyes he secretly contemplates in his mind through spiritual vision .
8 He eventually capitalized on his knowledge of Europe by publishing in 1796 both a set of five maps of the Rhine , Meuse , and Scheldt and a survey entitled A Developement of the Views and Designs of the French Nation , which sought to warn the English of certain French activities .
9 He rarely heard from his mother , but he rang her each Christmas morning , wherever he was , and on her birthday , and he sent her maybe a dozen postcards a year .
10 He was smoking a cigarette — something he rarely did outside his office — and he looked at it almost with distaste .
11 And he rarely complained during his recuperation from the first back operation , to repair a number of fractures , which looked like being successful when he returned for Middlesex at the start of 1991 and took four for 60 against Somerset with a performance which particularly impressed his own wicket-keeper Paul Farbrace .
12 That he let her go , and that she was free of him so easily was a great relief , but she was shaken from the unwanted experience , and as he swiftly went on his way she turned round — but only to collide with someone else .
13 He apparently remarked in his capacity as Minister of Water Affairs that not even socialism ‘ could make water run uphill ’ during a discussion of Ceauşescu 's favourite project to complete the long-abandoned canal linking Bucharest to the Black Sea .
14 That , my Lord , the matter moves on to the fifteenth of October on which day er the plaintiff together with Mr attended Richmond Magistrates Court and obtained a protection order from the justices in relation to the premises and then on the sixteenth of October erm this was the day when things started to go very badly wrong for the plaintiff because Mr by now had returned from his holiday and come back cautiously , he apparently attended after his holiday and on this day Mr was told that , by Mrs that it was not possible to proceed with the financial er dealings that had been agreed between them unless the Frinton property was offered as security .
15 He apparently tripped over his cat and fell downstairs and will be out for six weeks .
16 And the best building , though it 's not technically part of St Aldate 's , was the one he obviously chose as his fort , which was Christchurch .
17 He obviously takes after your family .
18 It must have been a difficult decision for Mr Bates because he obviously cares for his child .
19 ‘ So I see , ’ she muttered , waiting while he gently removed from his neck the clinging arms of a laughing woman who had plastered herself to his front .
20 ‘ ( I Keep A ) Close Watch ’ , a Cale standard of great beauty , is treated like an old friend , a version that he gently teases from his keyboard with the skill of a poacher tickling a trout .
21 On 11 August a Dutch government surveyor , Captain Ferzenaar , made another examination of the island at close quarters , but he prudently stayed on his boat .
22 He only stays with his wife now because of the baby .
23 In spite of six weeks of unceasing rain Wade was , by October 1732 , able to write , ‘ I still hope in a fortnight to pass the Coriarick Mountain in my coach ’ , and sure enough by the end of October the road was finished , ‘ made through a part of the country , ’ as he justly claimed in his report to the Treasury , ‘ that was scarcely passable for man or horse … now made as easy and practicable for wheel carriages as any road in the country ’ .
24 He so concentrated on his dialogue — I never had to reshoot a scene because Kenny fluffed a line — that he could n't do anything at the same time as he was talking . ’
25 Sir : The world must be grateful to Charles Richards for his exposure ( 'Intifada brings out the best in Israel 's black art' , 30 September ) of the depths to which Israelis will sink in what he rightly describes as their news manipulation .
26 He alone stood by his team leader .
27 He persistently called at her home , sent letters and made phone calls .
28 I remonstrated with him but he just laughed in my face . ’
29 He just walked into her room , closed the door and came across to her , and Maggie stared at him wildly as he took her arm , drew her from the balcony and shut the french window ,
30 In some indefinable way he just added to her restlessness .
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