Example sentences of "not always [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , applicants do not always progress through the operation levels in a straightforward manner .
2 Advertising is a key element in the finance and contents of most media but is not always regarded as a medium in itself .
3 The wealth accumulated from the Empire was not always invested in a way which bettered the lot of artisans , and much investment was in land , property , and works of art .
4 When Lewis moved his teaching from Oxford to Cambridge in 1954 , for the last nine years of his life , the drama of that confrontation was somewhat intensified , and it was not always noticed in the heat of debate how much they shared .
5 Ethnic conflict in the Balkans is not always caused by a scramble for territory .
6 There 's no way of telling how tawdry the trinket contained inside might be and the tackiness is not always related to the price .
7 Sufficient time is not always given to the study of the basic principles and the proper spacing and placing of the movements .
8 It began to prove its value when the members of pupils ' own groups helped each other and came not always to rely on the initiative or instruction of the teacher-tutor .
9 At intervals in the Costing Accounts is the above category which relates to outgoing expenses and not always connected with the running of the mine .
10 The agency brief is believed to have stressed the need to educate potential consumers about the costs of healthcare for the elderly which is not always covered by the Government or conventional insurance policies .
11 Weber notes that ‘ Property as such is not always recognized as a status qualification , but in the long run it is , and with extraordinary regularity ’ .
12 Our main argument in this paper is that linguists have not often recognised the need for this sort of justification ; that their views about what is educationally relevant in the field of language study does not always coincide with the concerns expressed by educationalists ; and that linguists and educationalists need to begin a common search for relevance in which the linguists ' knowledge is related to a frame of reference based on the needs of learners and teachers .
13 With the advances in information technology , answers to many questions could be delivered in minutes , not just on industrial issues , like how cold does it have to be before we stop work , or how heavy a load should I lift , but other questions not related to work that we have not always answered in the past .
14 However , the word ‘ master ’ does not always appear in the name of a postgraduate degree : BPhil , BLitt , LIB , BD and even sometimes BSc can be postgraduate degrees .
15 But there are other contributory factors , for example , the close identity between each medical school and ‘ its ’ hospital which leads to having specialties in every hospital and the well-intentioned efforts of trustees of ‘ teaching hospitals and special health authorities who marshal sometimes huge wealth in support of priorities which may not always accord with the health needs of the population . ’
16 ‘ But not always looking for the artist , ’ she said .
17 The feeling of structural security about flying in strutted and braced aircraft was very comforting but unfortunately did not always extend to the engines with which they were fitted .
18 Now , they were combined and synthesized on aesthetic principles which apparently did not always depend on the content of the subject matter , although it is difficult to be certain in an area such as this .
19 Margaret Beckett , the other half of the Treasury team , is a stalwart of the press conference platform and the Labour politician most respected by the Conservatives , although she has not always inspired on the hustings .
20 We can not always rely on the fish already being there and feeling hungry too .
21 It is this which makes a patterned woven carpet something special , a point not always understood by the customer .
22 In the mundane we have to live by the laws of the mundane and these do not always concur with the laws of the transcendent .
23 There must , therefore , be a mental element in the " unlawful act " , though this proposition is not always stated in the cases ( see for example , Newbury , where it is difficult to state what the unlawful act was ) .
24 We should , however , recollect that one of the reasons for the strength of the City of London is that it has consistently followed a very open policy , which is not always followed on the continent and elsewhere .
25 Henry could not quite work out why , since her pleasantness was not always followed by a request for money or some other favour ; perhaps she was remembering something he had quite forgotten , an incident during their courtship perhaps ( they must have had a courtship ) or a Henry , now lost to Henry himself , who could have inspired feelings such as pleasure .
26 By the same argument , the way such factors are constructed discursively does not always correspond to the role which they play in other , non-discursive , forms of racial discrimination .
27 Relatives , of course , do not always agree with the individual about what is best for him or her and they may not agree with professionals trying to help the person either .
28 The relationship between dealer and client is not always divorced from the occult .
29 The ingredients are cheaper than solvents but this is not always reflected in the price of finished goods .
30 Thus , what people seem to know about grammar is not always reflected in the language they use .
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