Example sentences of "not take [adj] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Government document , however , does not take that road to the problems of Scotland 's health .
2 But it did not take many weeks of the Lancashire cotton famine ( due to the interruption of raw material supplies by the American Civil War ) to reduce even such a family to charity .
3 But she has vowed that she will not take financial help from the church .
4 Many do not take full advantage of the various daytime , night and off-peak tariffs on offer from their electricity company .
5 However , these estimates do not take full account of the class of mutational events which lead to minor deleterious effects and which , by their large number , might impose a greater total genetic burden on the population than that from a smaller number of relatively more serious conditions .
6 The authorities in Hamburg and Bremen said on Monday that the merger plan does not take sufficient account of the interests of the north of the country , particularly in terms of employment .
7 That is to say , I did not take sufficient account of the fact that at that time of the day , what Mr Farraday enjoys is a conversation of a lighthearted , humorous sort .
8 The project has been drawn some criticism , however , from those who argue that it does not take sufficient account of the interests of local tribal people .
9 Though Dr Runcie and his party could not take Holy Communion at the papal mass , he had earlier celebrated the eucharist at the Anglican church in Rome after three demonstrators rose from the congregation as he ascended the pulpit ; the visit has been dogged by protests from supporters of the Rev Ian Paisley .
10 Er and I , as Mr Curtis has suggested , if Mr Shepherd who conducted the greenbelt local plan enquiry decided on massive relaxation or substantial relaxation on the inner boundary , er of the greenbelt , er and the implication being that er some of that land could be made available for housing , then yes , as a matter of principal that would cast doubt on the new settlement er strategy in terms of the in terms of the numbers , conversely , if you look at another option , if you , for example , confirmed the new settlement strategy but thought that the development requirement for Greater York really was er needed to be larger than nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , twelve thousand , thirteen thousand , and I hope not , then the County Council would need to have a look at the issue of one as opposed to two new settlements , and again we will do that , and we will not take any decisions on the basis of having one report , er but not another , and I hope er that that is helpful , I can confirm that er at the end of this month the Greater York authorities will be meeting , erm and er they will be urgently looking towards erm progress erm on this issue .
11 If you tell anyone your Personal Number and that person withdraws money from your account , then the Bank will consider that you have given permission to take money from your account and the Bank will not take any responsibility for the loss .
12 He does not take any part in the actual slaughter .
13 It is a great pity that hon. Members do not take more notice of the admirable reports that are made by the Comptroller and Auditor General , which are followed up so well by the Public Accounts Committee .
14 Overall the 1986 Act made many detailed changes , it extended and rationalized means tests , but it did not take social security in the radical new direction that ‘ negative income tax ’ or ‘ social dividend ’ advocates were suggesting .
15 The aircraft were not insured , so the bill to repair them will be staggering and I 'm sure it is frustrating that the Museum 's project can not take top priority at the moment .
16 Leyland Daf workers and trades union leaders in Britain criticised the British Government for not taking similar action to the Belgian and Dutch governments , which will invest something in the region of £80 million to help Daf resume production on the continent .
17 The change from thirty one percent to twenty seven percent was just a calculation by using all the information not taking specific points on the network .
18 So they 're not taking any action against the chap for shooting the dog but now they 're , they 're watching the other chap for causing disturbances !
19 Mr Irons and Mr Nicholson have made clear that they are not taking any view on the sale of works from the Torrie Collection until the legal issue of their position as trustees is settled .
20 On LIFFE the 50% cross allows the broker/dealer to pre-match half the order , provided he has not taken one side of the cross himself , and he has filled the other half of the order in the pit .
21 All subjects were asked not to take any drug during the two days before the study .
22 If she would n't be able to drink deep it would be better not to take another sip of the heady elixir he offered her .
23 It is certainly a surprising omission on Banfield 's part not to take full account of the importance of patronage and clientelism in their own right as determinants of political action .
24 He did n't take that copy of the paper home .
25 If you 're the sort of person who thinks that Parliamentary democracy is a reasonably important thing , you could n't take much pleasure from the findings of the enquiry into the way Rover was sold off .
26 But , like most mothers , I did n't take much notice of the dangers until my son , at about 18 months old , nibbled a poisonous plant .
27 Erm I mean some people say , quite wrongly , that it 's something that does n't take any part in the reaction but speeds it up , but how can it do that .
28 general studies and that 's , you know , er she 's n not randy in that but she 's knows all the all the interesting bit , I du n no we have her for erm , yeah for that and she 's quite a laugh and she does n't take any shit from the boys at all .
29 GEORGE GRAHAM says he loves facts , but he ca n't take any satisfaction from the ones his Arsenal team have been producing lately .
30 A spokesman for the Worldwide Fund for Nature commented : ‘ We do n't take any satisfaction from the killing but the deer need to be culled to protect the important wildlife in this part of the country . ’
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