Example sentences of "not a [noun] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To be sure , there were promises in a very general sense that ‘ My Spirit abides with you : fear not ’ ( Hag. 2:5 ) , but this was an assurance to the people as a whole , not a promise to the individual .
2 As with males , this is not a reference to the side-effects of hot-blooded Latin lovers , but means any object that is found in the body but is not of the body .
3 Evans concluded that in some developing countries , the foreign multinationals might be a help and not a hindrance to the state .
4 9.14 Compensation on vacating Any statutory right of the Tenant to claim compensation from the Landlord on vacating the Premises shall be excluded to the extent that the law allows Basically , the landlord can deny the tenant statutory compensation ( currently the rateable value of the premises ) if there has been a change of ownership during the last five years of the term prior to its expiration and the assignee is not a successor to the business of the assignor .
5 ‘ A man would have to supply some sort of evidence that he was not a slave to the State , a spy of the KGB .
6 It was argued that the sentencer has failed to give weight to the effect on the appellant 's wife and child if he were deported , and that his good behaviour while on bail indicated that he was not a threat to the country if he remained .
7 The eradication of hunger is not a threat to the well-being of people in the industrialised countries because there is more than enough food for everyone .
8 Too many people have forgotten that a bid , even one opposed by directors , is simply an offer to buy shares , not a struggle to the death .
9 There was some truth in the Don Quixote jibe , but de Gaulle was no Rip Van Winkle : his multipolar system was not a return to the past but an updated , global version of the nineteenth-century European system .
10 But this was not a reversion to the pattern and processes of concentration typical of the 1950s .
11 If we had not a right to the kingdom , we were mere mercenary soldiers .
12 Notably , Novell was not a party to the call .
13 We never attribute any goodwill to the minority interest ( since they are not a party to the transaction ) nor attempt to extrapolate the group 's goodwill to establish a theoretical goodwill attributable to the minority interest .
14 Subsection ( 2 ) is in wide terms , enabling the court to make an order against a person even though he was not a party to the transaction with the company :
15 It would arise where a defendant could not prove , on the balance of probabilities , that his story was correct , that someone else was responsible for causing personal injury or damage to the vehicle taken or to other vehicles and articles , and that he was not a party to the offence .
16 There are a number of treaties of guarantee where the entity most directly affected was not a party to the treaty .
17 A third organisation is defined in the Convention as an ‘ international organisation , not a party to the treaty . ’
18 A dissenting member can not claim material breach of the constitutive treaty by the organisation , since the organisation is not a party to the treaty , although it can make such a claim against other member States .
19 If a program is licensed by a publisher , the program author could be liable in negligence even though he is not a party to the licence agreement .
20 Indeed , if X buys goods and passes them as a gift to Y , those implied terms are of no benefit at all to Y because Y was not a party to the contract of sale , Heil v. Hedges ( 1951 ) ( K.B. ) .
21 It is consideration provided by somebody else , not a party to the contract , which does not ‘ move from the promisee . ’
22 But the debtor is not a party to the contract .
23 If that is so should it make any difference whether the debtor is a party to the agreement ( he is not a party to the contract ) or not ?
24 The plaintiff could not sue in contract because she was not a party to the contract ; it had been her friend who had bought the drink .
25 This provision applies to indemnities of both types ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) identified above , and it is irrelevant that the person entitled to the benefit of the indemnity is not a party to the contract in which it appears .
26 His Lordship accepted Mr Bayliss 's submission that Order 5 , rule 5 did not give power to make an order for contribution in favour of a representative defendant against a member of the class which he was named as representing ; and that the only power it gave was that of giving leave to a person , in whose favour a judgment or order had been given or made , to enforce the judgment or order against a person not a party to the proceedings who was bound by the judgment or order .
27 She was not a party to the proceedings and she was not represented before the court .
28 The object of orders for discovery under the Supreme Court and County Courts Acts is to bring forward the time for the disclosure of relevant documents in a personal injury action by , to use the wording of RSC Ord 24 , r7A , a " likely " party from the stage after action to the stage before action , and to require disclosure after the commencement of proceedings by someone who is not a party to the proceedings at all , eg , a health authority ( Walker v Eli Lilley & Co ( 1986 ) The Times , 1 May ) .
29 An example of such a provision is common Article 2 of the Geneva Red Cross Conventions , which provides that the parties shall be bound by the Conventions in relation to a party to the conflict which is not a party to the Conventions ‘ if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof ’ .
30 Just as we give more weight to the views of an impartial judge , one who is not a party to the dispute in question , than to a partial one , so we give more weight to an impartial moral opinion , one expressed by a person who is not directly involved in the situation being assessed , than To an interested party .
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