Example sentences of "not have make [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The landlord will not have made a taxable supply to the tenant and so can not issue a tax invoice , preventing the tenant from claiming input relief .
2 Tim could not have made a better choice . ’
3 As confirmation of the significance Harry had detected in Heather 's photographs , Mossop 's retraced route of three months before could not have made a better start .
4 Holmes says : ‘ Steve could not have made a better start to his outdoor season and it opens up all sorts of possibilities .
5 He could not have made a finer creature in his own vats .
6 If my son had been on medication at the end of last year he would not have made an unprovoked attack on his father in November , nor attempted to share his New Year 's Eve lunch with the lions .
7 Louise would not have made an unsuccessful marriage in the first place , and she supposed her marriage must be unsuccessful , because Edward had told her that she was not a woman .
8 Now that each party has formal election procedures through which to choose its Leader , the Queen in normal circumstances will not have to make a personal choice between rival candidates for Prime Minister , a choice which she had to make in 1957 and in 1963 before the Conservative Party adopted election rules .
9 Remember , you should not have to make a special journey or travel extra distances to recycle , as this will waste energy .
10 You do not have to make an immediate decision .
11 Smaller companies or companies not having made a previous acquisition will often ask us to act as intermediaries .
12 On July 12 Castro congratulated the deputies on " not having made the least concession in these difficult moments " ( referring to the growing economic crisis ) .
13 So he just kicked himself for not having made the obvious connection . ’
14 Apple is said not to have made a final commitment to release the software , and the big question is where Apple sees the base of applications for it , but word is that if the go-ahead is given , the product could come to market before the end of the year .
15 Apple is said not to have made a final commitment to release the software , and the big question is where Apple sees the base of applications for it , but word is that if the go-ahead is given , the product could come to market before the end of the year .
16 In summary then , the action project appears not to have made a great deal of difference to people 's receipt of other services , except that it has probably kept some sufferers away from day care and has increased home help hours for its own clients ( and probably allayed the need for home help among other clients ) .
17 They would prefer not to have to make a financial contribution , regardless of their ability to pay .
18 I would n't have made a good martyr , for the frown of the tyrant alarmed me more than the threat of wild beasts or the rack .
19 She could n't have made a better selection than Keep Talking , a progressive horse both in terms of form and distance .
20 Sometimes , it wondered whether dinosaurs would n't have made a better job of civilisation .
21 I suspect that wherever she 'd been — on a train to London or at home at Lomond View — it would n't have made the slightest bit of difference .
22 You do n't have to make a firm commitment but obviously we like you to give us some idea of your availability .
23 As a matter of fact , I 've enjoyed the day very much indeed , so you do n't have to make a big thing of being grateful . ’
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