Example sentences of "not be see [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The job analysis is a voluntary activity at these schools and has not been seen as another way of pulling the teacher 's leash .
2 Back came all the romance of train travel that had not been seen for fifty years .
3 The 70-year-old has not been seen for four weeks since leaving the Robert Huggins home for the elderly in Acklam .
4 The wide-field/planetary camera has produced its share of dramatic pictures , including detailed ones of a storm on Saturn the like of which has not been seen for 60 years .
5 Sergeant Raymond Mitchell , of Cape Town police , told TODAY : ‘ Sharon had not been seen for 24 hours , and in the current climate in the country , we were anxious for her welfare .
6 Sergeant Raymond Mitchell , of Cape Town police , told TODAY : ‘ Sharon had not been seen for 24 hours , and in the current climate in the country , we were anxious for her welfare .
7 Although it has not been seen for some time , the manuscript may contain a specimen of Mary Leapor 's handwriting .
8 And he had not been seen for some days .
9 The condition , which is relatively common in continental Europe , has not been seen on this scale in the UK since the 1920s .
10 Thomas Hargreaves , 39 , whose parents live at Llangoed , has not been seen since last Thursday , when he set off on a hike through a forest towards a glacier , close to south east Alaskan town of Juneau .
11 Thus a correlation between faecal fat and faecal bile acid excretion has not been seen in all studies .
12 Evidence for tissue specific , copy-dependent , position-independent expression has been shown mainly in cross-species transgenics ; such as , human β-globin ( 14,15,48 ) , CD2 ( 49 ) , α-globin ( 50 ) , and class I HLA-B7 ( 51,52 ) genes as well as for chicken lysozyme ( 53 ) , although absolute correlation between expression , tissue distribution and copy number has not been seen in all cases .
13 This was a significant discovery in that fusion had not been seen in toroidal discharges before .
14 It is something which seems such an ordinary thing to do , and yet the effect of it is something which has not been seen in pictorial art since Giotto .
15 When biologists studying these birds added extra shade to some territories , the birds exhibited something that had not been seen in this species before ; trigamy , males with three mates .
16 The paintings of the Thirties and Forties have not been seen in any sort of proper way and they are quite extraordinary , particularly that last group of interiors which Matisse painted between 1946 and 1948 .
17 Bertram argues that game theory and kin selection should not be seen as alternative explanations ( Nature , vol 302 , p 356 ) .
18 These features make the life of reconstituted families very complex ; they can not be seen as enclosed entities in the same way as cereal-packet nuclear families are .
19 Pest control and hygiene should not be seen as separate operations ; rather , they should be combined as essential components of good hygiene practice .
20 There 's a littleness about it all : again it must not be seen as mere chance that we encounter Swift 's Lilliput on the first page of the novel .
21 ‘ Ross or Rebecca is a transsexual , and should not be seen on Irish television screens , ’ said Mr McGahon , deputy for Louth .
22 An almost universal feature of determination is that it involves subtle chemical changes , almost certainly turning on or off genes , and the overt result may not be seen for many hours .
23 Out patients from non-fundholding GPs may now not be seen until next April .
24 As far as possible original characteristics have been carefully preserved , though the wall can not be seen from passing trains .
25 Ironically , it was a track which Lauda had always opposed on safety grounds and there had been much discussion about the Ring 's lack of safeguards and medical access ( the track is so long , – kilometres , that marshals and safety equipment were not only widely scattered but often whole stretches of the track , such as that where Niki 's car went off , could not be seen from any marshal 's post ) .
26 Of these , the most northerly is the orange K-type Theta , with a declination of 36 degrees south ; therefore it rises anywhere south of latitude 54 degrees north , whereas the two Pointers to the Southern Cross , Alpha and Agena , can not be seen from any part of Europe .
27 Case management in rehabilitation work with these clients involves specific ( sometimes called ‘ intense ’ ) components , such as skills training , medication review , assertive outreach , 24 hour coverage , etc. , which may not be seen in other forms of case management .
28 The historical record suggests , however , that at every interface the relationship between levels can not be seen in this way ; rather the potential for each level to exercise autonomy has to be recognised .
29 These positive responses are desirable and would indeed change the nature of the family and would be in the best interests of the black child and his or her parents , but may not be seen in this light by the white family .
30 So that the pageant should not be seen by any outsider and news spread of where the Miracle-Worker had gone to earth , they rolled the various carts into two barns facing on to the street .
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