Example sentences of "not be [adj] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Given the very recent appointment of a Head of Scientific & Technical Services , it has not been possible to formulate the likely requirements for laboratory computing for 1993/94 , but discussions during 1993 will enable us to plan this work from 1994/95 onwards .
2 It has not been possible to determine the non-submission rate for Scottish geology , but discussions with senior staff suggest that the rate is not as high as in other disciplines .
3 By and large the original exhibition at Edinburgh has been well adapted to the diverse spaces at Kenwood , even if it has not been possible to make the large plaster reconstruction model , lent by the Museo della Civiltà Romana , Rome , still the focal centre of the show .
4 Simon Pepper of the WWF said : ‘ We have had to recognise that having spent a considerable time on this project and having devoted considerable resources by our organisations , it has not been possible to secure the overall package which we considered necessary for going ahead .
5 Experience has taught us that it has not been necessary to invoke the similar or parallel provisions made for those industries .
6 Although the woods look impressively exotic and expensive , it has not been necessary to pilfer the last few acres of an equatorial hardwood rainforest in order to achieve the attractive grain patterns on these basses , hence the ( ultimately ) rather reasonable prices .
7 In the first annual report of the medical superintendent it was reported that it had not been necessary to use the padded cell on any occasion , despite the fact that many patients had been admitted handcuffed , leg iron locked or bound with cords and chains .
8 However , the identity of the union remains closely tied to its agricultural as opposed to its ‘ allied ’ membership , and all the efforts of its organizers have not been able to arrest the gradual decline in membership that has accompanied the drift from the land .
9 Detectives have still not been able to interview the 25-year-old former Vogue girl who is described as stable in a psychiatric unit at Liverpool 's Broadgreen Hospital .
10 In the US on the other hand , firms have not been able to realize the potential advantage of overlapping .
11 You will have received a copy of my handwritten ‘ Functional Specification ’ in which I have tried to take account of all the comments made during our session in Paris but have been somewhat hampered by the fact that I , too along with David and Geoff , have not been able to make the latest set of disks run .
12 In 1347 he promised that the grievances of the Commons should be remedied by Chancery writs against Forest officers , but next year ‘ the commons of the county of Surrey and of other counties ’ complained that although they had sued for a writ in the Chancery , they had not been able to obtain the promised remedy .
13 Despite their best efforts , the ministers have not been able to break the public association of Church and Party .
14 The palynological analysis has not been able to identify the exact level of the unconformity but a thin sequence of coals believed to be above the unconformity generally demonstrate Westphalian C ages .
15 Although many politicians have not been prepared to accept the thorough-going case for pricing advanced above , many have , under the practical pressure of public spending constraints , been prepared to accept charging as a supplementary way of raising revenue , or to see charges increased as the only way of preserving a service .
16 It has not been prepared to consider the wider implications of the massive developments planned for Canary Wharf and the Royal Docks , which will have all kinds of consequences for London and the South East .
17 And Nicholson 's have not been slow to realise the commercial potential of this classic heritage ; Langford & Williams ' design brief from them was to restore what could be restored and to reinstate in sympathy with the building where necessary .
18 However , at least 80 per cent of such jobs were not lost but were retained at least for another day , many in viable foreign TNCs , and it would not be logical to criticize the whole policy because of setbacks .
19 That cash aid is due to run out on March 31 and unit organiser Kate Harker said there were concerns that without the Government money it would not be possible to continue the same level of service .
20 Obviously it should not be possible to evade the statutory immunity by pleading the genus and relying on the species as unlawful means , but there would seem to be no statutory protection if the unlawful means take any other form such as nuisance or trespass .
21 At a press conference on Sept. 17 federal Defence Minster Imrich Andrejcak said that it would not be possible to divide the armed forces by Jan. 1 , 1993 .
22 … unless some pressure is applied to urge improved methods and practices , and unless such pressure is continuously applied … it will not be possible to save the fertile areas of Kenya from deterioration … without the application of compulsion under legislation to enforce improved agricultural practices .
23 It is clear that it will not be easy to put the new law into effect when it is adopted .
24 Fourth , it may not be appropriate to use the Daily Mirror as a guide .
25 I understand the gearbox is designed to run at a temperature of 95°C , so would it not be prudent to use the heavier oil ?
26 The implication of this trend is that even if a country could control the money supply growth rate it would not be able to control the domestic long run inflation rate .
27 And if they offer the unit or investment trust options , they must also offer shares or you will not be able to invest the maximum amount .
28 Ken Schofield , executive director of the PGA European Tour , points out that on the debit side there will also be huge expenses and says : ‘ We shall not be able to assess the likely profit for some months .
29 Ken Schofield , executive director of the PGA European Tour , points out that on the debit side there will also be huge expenses and says : ‘ We shall not be able to assess the likely profit for some months .
30 It has been postulated that decompression could irreversibly change the electrical conductivity of rocks by rupturing these films , and that laboratory measurements would not be able to duplicate the high conductivity in rocks even if the rocks were subjected to high pressures .
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