Example sentences of "not be [verb] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Politics-watchers guess that , had Rajiv Gandhi not been assassinated at the end of the general-election campaign two years ago , the BJP would have won roughly as many seats as Congress .
2 Regret theory has several surprising predictions that had not been tested at the time the theory was first presented : for example , it predicts that individuals ' choices may ‘ cycle ’ ( eg A is chosen in preference to B , B in preference to C and C in preference to A ) .
3 The Constitutional Court on March 3 ruled unconstitutional a bill passed in November 1991 [ see p. 38585 ] , which would have allowed prosecutions for serious crimes committed between Dec. 21 , 1944 , and May 2 , 1990 ( notably in the postwar purges and the repression of the 1956 uprising ) , which had not been prosecuted at the time for political reasons as being in conflict with the Constitution .
4 To be sure , the last page of the last chapter had not been written at the death of the last apostle any more than it had at the death of the Messiah ; but , like him , the disciples enjoyed the characteristic gift of the end , the Holy Spirit whom the prophets knew would be poured out in the last days .
5 Omar Kujabi , a Senegalese labourer and amateur wrestler , has not been seen at the Abuko reserve , near Banjul , since the body of Mrs Penelope Hiscocks , 42 , was found in the grounds of a house where she had been staying .
6 It slapped a ‘ for sale ’ sign on both flagships some months ago but buyers have not been queuing at the door .
7 The man , who has not been named at the request of his family , was found collapsed in a cell at Darlington police station on March 8 and was certified dead at the scene .
8 If that stage has not been reached at the end of the formal application processes it it' not for me to judge now what the Department 'll do .
9 This upward movement in the social hierarchy by many working-class boys ( significantly none of the studies has looked at girls ) has not been achieved at the expense of the opportunities of children from middle-class backgrounds , but by an explosion in the number of middle-class jobs — or an expansion in the service class or the salariat .
10 If commitment accounting is adopted during the financial year , the conversion to ordinary accruals at the year-end involves the following book entry : in respect of all the orders issued for which invoices have not been received at the year-end .
11 Asked by Mr Norman if his reasoning for that decision had not been noted at the time , he replied : ‘ My scribbles were not entirely consistent in quantity or meaning .
12 However , if the income which arose in year 1 had not been charged at the time when the payment was made in year 3 to the beneficiary , that relieving provision would not be applicable and it would appear that the tax charge would take place in year 3 .
13 Fritz Moeri , one of five people charged in the trial of company officials which began on 18 April , has told New Scientist that the disaster would have been impossible if the system he built in 1970 had not been modified and if ‘ fashionable ’ exhaust valves had not been added at the insistence of company management .
14 Some of the princes of Germany doubted the validity of the election on the grounds that Frederick had not been baptized at the time and he had only been elected , they said , out of fear for his father .
15 Indeed , this had not gone unnoticed by those on the governing body as one person remarked that she ‘ had the clenched fist on the side of the car ’ although this had not been mentioned at the interview .
16 There is no appropriation at the moment when he takes possession of the goods because he was entitled to do so under the terms of the contract of sale , a contract which is , it is true , voidable , but has not been avoided at the time the goods are handed over .
17 There is no appropriation at the moment when he takes possession of the goods because he was entitled to do so under the terms of the contract of sale , a contract which is , it is true , voidable , but has not been avoided at the time the goods are handed over .
18 ‘ Where the seller of goods has a voidable title to them , but his title has not been avoided at the time of the sale , the buyer acquires a good title to the goods , provided he buys them in good faith and without notice of the seller 's defect of title . ’
19 Held , allowing the appeals , that the Secretary of State was required to afford to a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the opportunity to submit in writing representations as to the period that prisoner should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence before the Secretary of State in the exercise of his power under section 61 of the Act of 1967 set the date of the first review of the prisoner 's sentence ; that , before giving the prisoner the opportunity to make representations , the Secretary of State was required to inform him of the period recommended by the judiciary as the period he should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence and of any other opinion expressed by the judiciary which had not been disclosed at the trial and would be relevant to the Secretary of State 's decision as to the appropriate period to be served for those purposes ; but that the Secretary of State was not obliged to adopt that judicial view or , if he departed from it , to give reasons for doing so , and that he was entitled to delegate his powers for that purpose to a junior minister within the Home Department ; and that , accordingly , the decisions made by the Secretary of State as to the length of the period each of the applicants should serve before the date of the first review of their sentences should be quashed and that each applicant should be given the opportunity to make written representations after he had been informed of the judicial opinion regarding the period he should serve before review ( post , pp. 963B–C , 969A–C , 973F–H , 974A–B , 977B–D , 979C–F , 980E–G , 981F–G , 983C–D , 984C–E , 985B–C , 986H — 987A , F–G , 988C–E , G–H , 989B–C , D–E , 991B–C , 992F–H , 993B–E , F–G ) .
20 You will not be flirting at the kitchen door with the milkman and the coalman , and Matey will not be chasing you for doing so . ’
21 To glamorise the whole thing ( the car obviously could not be kept at the camp ) , it was kept in some out-of-the-way garage , possibly in Aston Clinton , which was the nearest village to the camp at Halton .
22 My time is extremely valuable , and I am not going to be kept waiting here while people like patients take up five or 10 minutes when I shall not be earning at a rate that would put the salary of Members of Parliament to shame .
23 Schemes will no longer be considered for registration where the fixed percentage of profit or the specified amount of the notional pool to be distributed as PRP depend on a formula that can not be determined at the time of writing the scheme ( p 103 ) .
24 Under a new Statement of Practice ( SP 7/92 ) , schemes will no longer be considered for registration where the fixed percentage or the specified amount of the notional pool depend on a formula which can not be determined at the time of writing the scheme .
25 ‘ This one , ’ said Owen generously , looking down at him , ‘ may not be over-valued at the price .
26 It can not be said at the outset that it is impossible for the contract to be carried out .
27 Supercomputing — High-performance computers costing millions of pounds can not be sited at every university that needs their computational power ; Yet the vast amounts of data they produce require advanced data visualisation techniques for their human understanding .
28 Suggesting that the long-term viability of BC and its privatisation potential could be put at risk by curbs on open-cast operations , Mr Chance added : ‘ Mining communities can not be saved at the expense of the open-cast industry .
29 It can not be assumed at the outset that all elements are the product of similar processes of objectification .
30 Since this is one aspect of the " ongoing negotiation " and preferences of " newcomers " to the interaction can not be assumed at the outset , the circumstances which will most favour a speedy agreement to use Creole are those where there are few participants — ideally the minimum , two — and these individuals are already well known to each other , and known to favour Creole .
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