Example sentences of "not be [verb] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We have built up a great deal of knowledge about the historical side of the palaces but that has not been presented to the public . ’
2 And , the greatest guilt of all , if she had not been in Maisie 's house … if Maisie had not been tending to the birthing … then the fire would not have happened and that darling woman would be alive today .
3 Has the right hon. and learned Gentleman not been listening to the chorus of demands from the CBI , from the trade unions and now also from a number of Conservative newspapers for an increase in capital allowances for manufacturing industry ?
4 ‘ This Mr Postman very good man , ’ said Mr Singh , who had not been invited to the ceremony , but was clearly looking forward to attending none the less .
5 ‘ We believe that ground-sharing is the only remaining viable option but it is up to the members now , ’ said Daley , who added that Butters had not been invited to the meeting .
6 Corporate status , however , has not been given to the Home Office .
7 those necessarily coming into effect before being laid ( e.g. , where publicity would nullify their effect ) if due notice of the fact and the reasons for it has not been given to the Speaker , ;
8 Its existence had not been revealed to the defence even after specific requests for unused material and , days before the trial , a specific request from a solicitor for three defendants , for a copy of any video tape .
9 While we are on local government matters , perhaps Derbyshire county council could be included in the extraordinary audit so that we might establish why Mr. Reg Race has lasted only nine months and the pay-off has not been announced to the public ?
10 Thus the order can not be made in the case of a contract for the sale of unascertained goods which have not been appropriated to the contract — Re Wait ( see paragraph 3–04 above ) .
11 Like your chairman , I am a newcomer to the fund and my induction experience has not been limited to the division offices in the United Kingdom or visiting projects in the United Kingdom .
12 I knew she had not been asked to the service at which her husband 's ashes were placed in the Spencer vault .
13 So far it has not been put to the test in service .
14 In the same way , we can question the substance and basis of our happiness if it has not been put to the test of suffering .
15 These data on colonic permeability are limited and have not been correlated to the degree of inflammation present .
16 Although published some years ago this particular volume from the Ray Society ( which is more usually associated with learned works on natural history ) had not been brought to The Lifeboat 's notice before .
17 The boldness of this interpretation lies in allowing the validity of the trust even though it had not been addressed to the daughter and had not been intended to be paid by her .
18 Guenter Emig , the head of the commission , said the athletes were free to compete again , as the case against them had not been proved to the extent necessary for the suspension to be upheld .
19 His musical talents had not been confined to the School , for he had been first a choirboy at St. Matthew 's in Edgeley , and then organist for the Sunday afternoon services at Barnes ' Convalescent Home in Cheadle , followed by eight years as organist at St. John 's , Heaton Mersey , then 20 years at St. Peter 's , Stockport , and finally 34 years at the Parish Church , St. Mary 's , from which he finally retired in 1944 .
20 This section covers any sums which have been awarded to the Policyholder in a court in the United Kingdom and have not been paid to the Policyholder within 3 months of the date of the award .
21 In 1957 , when the Chechens and Ingushis had been rehabilitated and Checheno-Ingushetia restored , these lands had not been returned to the Ingushis .
22 The last time he had been in Athens , when the group that called themselves ‘ November 17th ’ had hit the Procter & Gamble offices with an anti-tank rocket , he had not been admitted to the presence of this big man .
23 Barrère has not been admitted to the Jar din Massey in any form , but he does get a plaque on the house where he was born , in the same street as the genial Gautier .
24 She was right , as it happens , but Scarlet , not being clairvoyant , could n't be expected to know that and resigned herself to yet another evening which would not be wholly enjoyable even had she not been going to the theatre .
25 The letter had not been shown to the newspaper men .
26 Therefore , he said , formal guidelines for Orkney had not been submitted to the committee .
27 For , not only must these systems perform the required service in a timely and efficient manner , but also they must not be exposed to the threat of failure or interference .
28 Any commission paid to a foreign sub-agent should not be charged to the artist .
29 I would have been satisfied in any event that all interested parties must have anticipated that the operation of a commercial port would not be limited to the day time , but would carry on throughout the 24 hours of every day .
30 The benefits would not be limited to the traveller .
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