Example sentences of "not [be] [vb pp] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is unquestionable that tramps or beggars can not be charged with the political confidence of nations .
2 The politician-official distinction should not be equated with a policy-making-implementation distinction .
3 Tillich holds that symbols in themselves can not be equated with the Ultimate nor can they be regarded as fully expressing the Ultimate .
4 However , the intelligentsia can not be equated with the ruling stratum in communist societies .
5 These poor chaps were searching desperately for a project which would not be cursed with the ephemeral vulgarity of their usual tasks .
6 Similarly the effectiveness of export-led growth in the British case can not be squared with the continued rise of import penetration and the level of domestic demand which this represented .
7 This type of skepticism had been sustained by the knowledge that the mathematical devices used by Ptolemy could not be squared with the homocentric spheres of Aristotelian cosmology .
8 An enhanced generation of either omega-3 or omega-6 derived prostaglandins possessing cytoprotective properties could account for the protection against acid-induced duodenal lesions in rats fed the polyunsaturated fatty acid diets , though this can not be confirmed with the present data .
9 Obviously , this can not be done with a conventional typewriter .
10 These eggs are so small they can not be seen with the naked eye .
11 The third main proposal is that a buyer who has a right to reject the goods should not be faced with an all-or-nothing rule .
12 Each period of casual employment will be treated separately and a previous period may not be aggregated with a current period for determining sick leave allowable .
13 The national liberal politician , Johannes von Miquel , wrote that ‘ the suggested constitution could not be compared with the Swiss or American model ’ , adding for good measure that ‘ great peoples do not copy ’ .
14 Our outcome data can not be compared with the existing published works because previous reports on chronic constipation with and without faecal soiling often combined younger and older children or children with idiopathic constipation and anorectal disorders , or both .
15 A spiritual discipline should not make a practitioner lose control , become vague , dreamy and inept in his daily life : eccentric or uncontrolled behaviour is a sign that the mystical experience can not be integrated with the mundane .
16 This may or may not be joined with the rhythmic designs described in the previous section .
17 These relations can not be deleted once made and version ranges can not be reduced with the one exception that the ‘ next approved ’ version A can be replaced with L .
18 These relations can not be deleted once made and version ranges can not be reduced with the one exception that the ‘ next approved ’ version A can be replaced with L .
19 Vietnam , while expressing its willingness to help in the matter , insisted that it was an essentially humanitarian issue and should not be coupled with the larger political relationship .
20 As we have seen , the usual belief is that what teachers need is descriptions , with the implication that they need not be bothered with the theoretical ideas upon which they are based .
21 It should not be administered with an alkaline solution such as sodium bicarbonate or with any solution containing calcium eg , TPN .
22 In the past , some purists have said that all surface decoration applied to designed objects — all ornament , in other words — must be based on motifs which look flat , ie. they must not be drawn with a third dimension : you are allowed to make a pattern out of squares , so to speak , but not cubes .
23 If a total of less than 1% of the population is undefined then the errors are unlikely to be great , but the reliability of the moments decreases sharply as the proportions of undefined materials increases , and the technique should not be used with a higher proportion of unknowns notwithstanding the convenience and availability of pocket calculators suitable to perform the arithmetic .
24 These mops can not be used with an ordinary mop bucket because of their shape and are employed with hand or foot operated roller compression buckets or geared press wringers which are bucket mounted .
25 By 1952 he was becoming all the more determined that the United States should not be tarred with the colonial brush .
26 In October 1875 , their medical officer drew the attention of the Board , after many previous attempts , to meet the need for a separate building , or wards , to receive alleged lunatics who were not susceptible of curative treatment ( sic ) in an asylum , but ‘ whose habits and conduct are such that they can not be associated with the other inmates without injury to the latter ’ .
27 Griffin ( 1984 ) suggests that on a number of issues , such as its concern with safety matters , the NMIU can not be associated with the American ‘ bosses ’ unions ' , but its basic policies were repugnant to many other trade unionists , including the majority in the MFGB .
28 The effect of this requirement is probably in practice to make the power unusable in many cases , as unless the prosecution anticipate that the court will wish to make such an order , it will not be equipped with the necessary evidence , particularly as the car will not necessarily be in the possession of the police at this stage , and the court will be faced with an adjournment if it wishes to proceed with an order .
29 But it is sad for the ordinary cat owner to realize that there is a whole range of sounds that simply can not be shared with a much-loved pet .
30 ‘ Because many of the plant components are contaminated with radiation , the structures simply can not be demolished with a wrecking ball , ’ said Shea .
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