Example sentences of "not [be] [vb pp] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ministers have decided that the National Rivers Authority will not be split up in the process of creating the new body but will be incorporated into it .
2 They were to ascertain " whether some of our own Nation inhabiting in those parts , may not be trained up in the said worke . "
3 This matter must not be singled out in a way that allows it to be used to override National Park objectives .
4 This matter must not be singled out in a way that allows it to be used to override National Park objectives .
5 On the other hand , consumption of circulating antibodies can not be ruled out in the seronegative instances .
6 He makes it clear in his Report that these ‘ prisoner contracts ’ should not be drawn up in a way which would give the prisoner private rights ( that is the right to damages ) .
7 Sometimes when it is really cold , and it rains heavily all day long , some of the horses that we normally stable overnight are kept in longer , and may not be put out in the paddock until the next day when the rain has stopped .
8 When there is this kind of historical development of a signal system it is important that it should not be read back in the exclusive terms of later signals .
9 Companies tend to use a ‘ firewall ’ along their route into Internet so that individuals can not be looked up in the directory of users — a sort of ex directory .
10 If a major war in Europe appears likely , the flights will disperse up to 160 km from their main operating base so that they can not be wiped out in a single nuclear attack .
11 It has been well argued that the payment having been voluntary , it can not be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
12 It has been well argued that the payment having been voluntary , it can not be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
13 Many reaction enthalpies can not be determined experimentally because the reactions can not be brought about in the laboratory .
14 Instead of saying that in the absence of a community there can be no rules , we say that what is wrong with the solipsist 's rules is that they can not be set up in the way he pretends , by using a private experience as a sample .
15 Such personal comments can however not be taken up in a professional staff support group , being outside its brief and scope which differ from those of a personal therapy group .
16 That legislation can not be carried through in the remainder of this Parliament and will be a matter for the next Parliament .
17 Their liberated lives could not be carried on in the child-centred suburbs .
18 But electors ca n't be ordered around in the way Labour Party members can , and they have made pretty clear they did n't like the result ( neither do Labour Party members , which is why they have left in droves ) .
19 And later why parents should n't be allowed back in the classroom .
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