Example sentences of "not [be] [verb] by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The developer may , for example , be very happy to improve a road junction as an essential prerequisite to his proposed development , but often this can not be assured by a condition .
2 This situation can not be rectified by the LIFESPAN Manager but , if this is not a desirable situation , please do not use the newly created charge code .
3 He was curious to see the minister , although he made Willie Hamilton come with him up to the gallery , so that he himself would not be noted by the dragon of a wife or her daughter .
4 Such criteria of vulnerability should not be built-in by the programmer .
5 The U.K. government is hoping that the Directive will not be adopted by the Council of Ministers before 5 April , when the next Internal Market Council meets .
6 But this function could not be achieved by the state directly since it was too remote .
7 Certainly , greater efficiency would not be achieved by the use of the cheapest available product in each case .
8 There is no good evidence to indicate that these processes can not be achieved by the body equally well at any time of the day or night .
9 … the Commission will not be judging its performance against local authority spending levels since this would be incompatible with its stated mission of helping authorities to improve returns on their annual investment and , in any case , any cost reductions will not be achieved by the Commission but by members and officers of authorities demonstrating the ‘ will to manage ’ .
10 We should take it easy and not be led by the nose by the Commission or by the Council of Foreign Ministers .
11 If there is a particular liability that is causing concern which has been identified prior to contract but is not precisely quantifiable , it may be appropriate that it should not be covered by a warranty at all but by an indemnity or other specific provision .
12 Also , an important point to remember is that domestic ovens used in a commercial environment will not be covered by the manufacturer 's guarantee .
13 They will not be covered by the Race Relations and Sex Discrimination Act .
14 Since the Magistrates ' Court is an inferior court , the party need not be represented by a barrister ; solicitors can provide representation if any is required .
15 Such a history can not be represented by the movement of a linear progression of unfolding time .
16 The new directions to be taken may not be indicated by the diagram , or be unclassifiable by present terminology anyway — but they may have something in common with what is gathered here : ambition and invention , perseverance , independence , wit .
17 The 5 km offset of the centre of figure from the centre of mass need not be explained by a change in crust thickness from 50 km on the near side to 75 km on the far side , but by an asymmetry spread over a greater depth and consequently slight on a global scale .
18 Thus the results can not be explained by a bias in looking towards the decorticate half-field in the absence of detectable stimulation .
19 For while they always emphasized the special qualities of literature , and in particular the idea that the meaning or effect of literature can not be explained by a process of reduction to ordinary modes of expression , the New Critics also insisted on its connections with the ‘ real ’ world , and on the contribution it can make to coping with the problems of everyday human existence .
20 Pre-transitional European fertility can not be explained by the utility of children to their parents .
21 The results that we obtained were similar to the results in their duodenal ulcer group so that the results of Blair et al can not be explained by the presence of H pylori .
22 Two of the three studies of very low birthweight babies also showed significant reductions in the incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and duration of ventilator requirements.These were both double blinded trials with the control group receiving placebo injections ; hence reductions in ventilator requirements can not be explained by the investigator 's knowledge of treatment .
23 This difference could not be explained by the distribution of either histological types or admission types between the erm sites that had less than one hundred cases and those that had more than one hundred cases .
24 A clause will not be incorporated by a document which is not a contractual document .
25 It is important to see that even this qualified recognition of authority , the recognition of the authority of just governments to impose prima facie obligations on their subjects , can not be supported by the argument of the normal justification thesis .
26 You should not be tempted by the price alone as well-chosen lilies will give you many years of pleasure .
27 No : Maastricht would not be touched by the outcome .
28 A grant for an uncertain term which takes the form of a yearly tenancy which can not be determined by the landlord does not create a lease .
29 The range of choices which are made available to the child may not be determined by the adult so much as by the nature of the interactions which are jointly established between adult and child .
30 If the class of curved spaces that defines the state of the universe included spaces with singularities , the probabilities of such spaces would not be determined by the theory .
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