Example sentences of "not [be] [verb] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Do not be tempted to use the small charge that is already in the battery , as this will run down in seconds .
2 It would be naive for anyone to suggest that politicians in should not be seeking to gain the maximum advantage from the European Community .
3 The local authority will not be bound to accept the highest , or in fact any tender .
4 A rescuer who acts to save a person in danger and is injured , can not be said to exercise the free choice which is necessary for volenti .
5 The difficulty with these checks is that they can not be adjusted to trap the returning hammers without hindering their upward motion .
6 Though they were spoken for my benefit , I could not be assumed to share the same norms .
7 It is notable , however , that many of those who form the audience for these books have continued to regard generic he as ‘ just a rule of grammar ’ which should not be altered to suit the transient whims of feminists , though they may feel under some pressure from certain quarters to use nonsexist forms in their writing .
8 If you are hit on the head by a pot of paint whilst walking under a ladder you would not be asked to show the precise act of negligence that caused the paint to fall ; it goes without saying that someone had been negligent .
9 The theory is that if the players can not be persuaded to give the public value for money , they must be forced into a slow trot by hitting them in the most vulnerable area — their back pockets .
10 For example , it might seem curious that a member of the RICS could be a director of a commercial company offering a range of services to the public , yet not be permitted to occupy the same position in a company offering the very skill for which he has been trained .
11 While urging rapid constitutional reform they concluded : ‘ We have no reason to suppose that power in the hands of a small literate minority will not be used to exploit the illiterate majority . ’
12 This could be a valid model of the business but it is not an entity model and can not be used to produce the flexible database for the organisation that we require .
13 ( a ) Retirement and expulsion As explained in earlier chapters of this book , where no express provision is contained in a partnership agreement or satisfactory arrangements can not be agreed to meet the particular circumstances of the partner concerned , the Partnership Act only offers dissolution as the answer to what to do with a partner whose continued presence in the firm is unwanted by his co-partners .
14 The programmes are now registered as providing learning support for NVQs at level 3 ( the Certificate ) and level 4 ( the Diploma ) which means that any students paying their own fees should not be required to pay the 25 per centincome tax component on either the HCIMA assessment fees or the college fees .
15 The only real snag was that venues were posted in advance to assist the spectators and so could not be changed to suit the prevailing weather conditions .
16 Private backers from industry should not be expected to shoulder the full burden , said the Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts .
17 Private backers from industry should not be expected to shoulder the full burden , said the Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts .
18 Since private shareholders can not be expected to subsidize the wider goals of society as a whole , public ownership may then be inevitable .
19 In particular , criminal statistics only show what police forces record , and the police clearly can not be expected to record the numerous offences which they do not know about .
20 People can not be expected to buy the co-operative alternative if they do not know of it , or if they misunderstand it .
21 Whilst the user companies can not be expected to make the necessary investment for themselves , this approach and its great benefits will remain unrealized .
22 Embarrassment at the lack of results was brushed off by pointing out that the social sciences were new , and therefore could not be expected to achieve the theoretical power of the natural sciences straight away .
23 Erm obviously the , presumably the Sultan of Turkey as a , as erm as a Muslim could not be expected to sign the holy alliance .
24 They can not be expected to consider the inflationary consequences of their commercial activities .
25 RE should not be expected to bear the full weight of this responsibility , especially because if it does it can not deal with what is distinctive and peculiar to it — there is not time , etc .
26 These job descriptions are also contained in Appendix A. Although a familiarity with these tasks on paper is important to achieve an understanding of bureau work , their expansiveness should not be allowed to deter the potential applicant .
27 Mr. Watkinson accepted that the closing words of section 69(1) place a difficulty in his way , but he maintained that this difficulty can not be allowed to outweigh the clear words of Lord Bridge of Harwich .
28 They will not be allowed to use the new equipment or the new buildings .
29 But since ministers , including the Prime Minister , are so fond of using statistics for the purposes of debate , they can not be allowed to make the contradictory claim that these figures are irrelevant .
30 PR , they say , can not be allowed to obscure the other changes which Labour must make : a drastic reduction in the influence of the trade unions , which voters find increasingly repellent , and recruitment of a broader basis of support .
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