Example sentences of "not [vb infin] in [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The hospital management team for Claybury rejected the idea of the quadrant hospital concept , since this could not tie in with the principle of community care .
2 Taxi boss Dave Blyth said Derek did not give in without a fight .
3 He drew her to him , so that her head was near his waist , in a stiff sort of way because she did not give in to the embrace .
4 Whatever may have been threatened or done , do not give in to the bully and do not keep whatever has happened to yourself .
5 When Mr Bernard Corker , who owns the business , applied for retrospective planning permission the council refused on the grounds that it was too noisy , conflicted with proposed parking standards and did not fit in with the character of the residential area .
6 Fill it in yourself ; your manager , or your union health and safety representative will help you if the layout does not fit in with the incident you want to report .
7 Sometimes this is desirable because the expression seems awkward or inadequate ; sometimes it signals that the expression does not fit in with the rest of the style ( e.g. because of its register ) .
8 In many cases this has resulted in the introduction of faked features and the associated destruction of existing features which , though often of architectural and historic interest in their own right , do not fit in with the designer 's concept of the pub 's ideal form .
9 Even when I arrived back at Thornfield , I did not go in for a while .
10 While most , for example narcissi and scillas , should be planted as soon as they are bought , tulips should not go in to the garden until November .
11 I could not go in through the house because of the servants .
12 The theme of the fourth sentence , Some creators , relates to Rimbaud only indirectly on the basis that poets are some sort of creators , but it does not link in with the theme or rheme of the previous sentence .
13 Although tankers did not come in for the attention they received in the 1980s , on 25 January Platt 's carried an account of an attack on an Iraqi tanker by US aircraft .
14 The hold of the state and party ‘ did not extend in to every family ’ and some sections of society ‘ maintained a certain autonomy ’ .
15 He did not turn in at the door of number thirty-seven , however .
16 Do n't rush in with the word before he/she has had time to think , but do n't leave him/her struggling .
17 ‘ Do n't cash in on the fact that you know I — I 'm susceptible to you .
18 Lucy Lane said : ‘ I wonder he did n't cash in on the journal . ’
19 ‘ I want to send out a very strong message today , ’ he had said , ‘ one thing I learned when I was young is that you do n't give in to the village bully .
20 Try to hold these contradictory memories together : do n't give in to the temptation to simplify your experience by discarding one important aspect of it .
21 Charles had so convinced himself of this that he did n't ring in to the production office until ten-thirty , deliberately giving the producer time to sober up his intoxicated imagination .
22 Perhaps they did not like what you were saying — it did n't fit in with the way they see their magazine .
23 She did n't move in until the day she got married .
24 ‘ It just did n't sink in at the time — I did n't quite realise what was happening .
25 If I say to you behaviourism is about di dum di dum and I did but obviously it did n't sink in at the time .
26 You know he does n't go in for a lot of heavy discussion about things . ’
27 So what I 'm saying to you is , do n't go in over the top , you know , five , just a normal but a firm handshake because a man would expect it because a weak ha ha handshake can be irritating and the same thing if she is a woman
28 Oh no you ca n't go in without a card .
29 Well do n't come in with the coat tomorrow please or after Easter .
30 You ca n't come in over the top , you must come underneath to get children 's attention . ’
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