Example sentences of "not [vb infin] for a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I left the hotel early and in pleasant sunshine , wearing a light jacket and bow tie , but alas did not bargain for a sudden change in the weather .
2 Needless to say , this attitude did not make for a good marriage .
3 The article ended : ‘ The prince 's image has been badly damaged and statesman-like behaviour can not compensate for a young wife throwing herself downstairs in an attempted suicide while her husband strides to go out riding .
4 Although the syntactic filter could no doubt be improved , it probably could not compensate for a 20,000 word lexicon and/or poorer acoustic-phonetic discrimination .
5 The superb frescoes , concealed from sight by Muslim prejudice for nearly five hundred years , were again on view , but they did not compensate for a profound sense of desecration .
6 I doubted not that they were law officers , but did not linger for a second look , being already at the casement windows into the side garden .
7 Hence those who take a floating charge from a company which can not be proved to be solvent , and which does not survive for a further year , can not thereby obtain protection in respect to their existing debts , but only to the extent that they provide the company with new value and thus increase the assets available for other creditors .
8 One , the non-contributory invalidity pension , is paid for those who are incapable of work and do not qualify for a contributory pension .
9 There are very particular financial strains for those who are divorced or separated who do not qualify for a special pension like a widow .
10 It was argued that he should have been sentenced to a term of detention in a young offender institution , and that he did not qualify for a custodial sentence for that purpose under Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4) and 1(4A) .
11 If she is sure that she would not qualify for a supplementary pension and wishes to apply for a rent rebate or allowance , an application form , and the information leaflet There 's Money off your Rent , can be obtained from the local authority Housing Department .
12 Married women and widows who do not qualify for a basic pension in their own right may be entitled to a basic pension on their husband 's contributions at about 60 per cent of the level to which he is entitled ( see ‘ Pensions for women ’ at the end of the chapter ) .
13 We can not wait for a Labour Government .
14 So if you want to prevent leaks — why not send for a free sample of ultra-absorbent Togs ?
15 No stamp duty should be payable because of these reliefs but the Regulations do not provide for a hybrid certificate .
16 We should not look for a simple reflection : ‘ a single , fixed mode of exchange ; in reality there are many modes , their character is determined historically , and they are continually renegotiated ’ .
17 Lions are strong but can not run for a long time .
18 Teenage farm workers are particularly sensitive to their image at an age when they are dating girls who may or may not hope for a better future than that of a farm worker 's wife .
19 Unfortunately , encyclopaedias are very expensive to compile and publish so one can not hope for a new edition every year and the information in them is thus often very dated .
20 The Crown 's practical arguments were that the case was so rare that it could not call for a fundamental reformulation of the law and that it was impossible for their lordships to set limits on the application of the principle which , being a matter of policy , was a question for the legislature .
21 must not proceed for a private customer with any one packaged product if it is aware of another packaged product on the market which will meet the customer 's requirements better ; and
22 must not proceed for a private customer with a packaged product of , or arranged by , any person with whom the firm has a connection unless the firm believes on reasonable grounds that the product will meet the customer 's requirements better than any other packaged product on the market .
23 He simply hopes they will emerge of their own accord , and this may not happen for a considerable time .
24 With Aquino adamant that she would not stand for a second term , the jostling for position amongst those ambitious to succeed her intensified in late 1990 and early 1991 .
25 Waldheim , who had been barred from entering the USA [ see p. 35528 ] and shunned by European governments , had announced in June 1991 that he would not stand for a second term [ see p. 38298 ] .
26 One enterprising station-master frequently told all passengers that their trains would not leave for a long time .
27 In this case , Lord Denning distinguished Bartlett v Sidney Marcus ( 1965 ) by explaining that if a car does not go for a reasonable time and the engine breaks up , this is evidence to show that the car was not fit for its purpose when sold .
28 If the issue today in some people 's eyes is the need for this community in Greater York to be one hundred percent self sufficient then perhaps we really ought to go pack up and er go home , er because there 's no way that er a settlement that one could envisage in Greater York or perhaps anywhere else can be a hundred percent self sufficiency , self sufficient , you 're not going to get a shopping mall , you 'd be unlikely to get a a major touring theatre , so you can not aim for a hundred percent self sufficiency , you aim for what is appropriate for the size of the community and particularly its relationship to existing settlements er in the general area .
29 This implication does not hold for a normative-explanatory account .
30 Yet what applies to a rat or dog need not hold for a human being .
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