Example sentences of "not [vb infin] a [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This would explain Gandhi 's claim that one should not make a fetish of non-violence .
2 But , even if the All Blacks are subconsciously tempted to relegate the Irish to an after-thought , it might not make a bit of difference .
3 The the only job which I told Neil I do not expect him to take is working for waste disposal because he did that , this time last year and before he started he was full of big talk about you make a lot of money and you get a lot of tips at Christmas he found that you do not make a lot of money and you do not get generous tips at Christmas
4 Does it not make a lot of sense because it rings true to our experience ?
5 A lot is made of high and low cholesterol foods , especially in the USA , but cutting back on foods which are high in cholesterol does not make a lot of difference to blood cholesterol concentrations .
6 However , the temperature today at the base of the Cytherean exosphere rarely exceeds about 300 K , which is too low for the thermal escape of very much hydrogen even over 4600 Ma , and chemical escape might not make a lot of difference .
7 Indeed , as Paul Du Noyer noted in NME , it might not make a sausage of difference to your diet but it 's guaranteed to leave a feeling of guilt in your head as you tuck into that rump steak .
8 BSP Prime Minister-designate Andrei Lukanov told the Assembly that his party did not want a monopoly of power , and would support and co-operate with Zhelev in the interests of national consent .
9 As it is put by the Department of Health Guidelines for Ethics Committee ( August 1991 ) : ‘ The giving of consent by a parent or guardian can not override a refusal of consent by a child who is competent to make that decision . ’
10 The Revenue will not regard a backlog of work on the submission of accounts and computations for earlier periods as a reasonable excuse for the late delivery of a company 's first return under Pay and File .
11 The public infrastructure founded years ago when we felt rich patently does not deliver a quality of service we think we deserve — just at the time we realise we are not as rich as we thought .
12 Bukharin was suggesting that one can not construct a theory of transition a priori but must pragmatically steer towards a given objective , only then will the theory of transition emerge upon the basis of practical and concrete experience .
13 But these critics do not always ask themselves whether any society does not need a degree of unity in order to be a society at all , or how much diversity even a liberal society can tolerate without falling apart .
14 Clamping down on the professional foul does not need a change of law , simply a change of emphasis by referees .
15 Moreover , as mentioned earlier , the figures presented so far do not include a range of fringe benefits usually the privilege of non-manual employees which have a real income value : among these are luncheon vouchers , company cars , credit facilities ( cheap company loans ) , and so on .
16 However , these arguments are not particularly strong , for , if the inference of fault is so great , why not include a requirement of proof of fault , at least at the level of subjective recklessness ?
17 The moral to be drawn is that if we are to give an account of knowledge which does not include a requirement of certainty , our account should make room for the notion of certainty somewhere ; if it sees certainty as a requirement for a knowledge claim it needs to be able to explain in its own terms why that should be so .
18 Properly understood these terms do not describe a theory of review in themselves .
19 It is a sad reflection on his party that for so long he did not enjoy a smell of office .
20 It is true that often they do not specify a sum of money and sometimes contain many qualifications .
21 Can you just not bring a packet of packet of biscuits or something ?
22 INVESTORS who fear that membership of the European Monetary System will not prevent a resurgence of inflation in coming years should examine the virtues of index-linked gilts .
23 Capricorn applied for the service of the writ to be set aside on the ground that the London address did not consitute a place of business in Great Britain or that if service was good , Capricorn sought a stay on the ground of lis alibi pendens in Ohio .
24 For the first time , Hank did not feel a pang of envy at his friend 's being already at work ; he felt he was doing better than any young policeman could hope to do .
25 The student will not feel a sense of guilt if she sits down to talk to an anxious patient .
26 According to this source , and obviously excluding those firms who did not give a year of formation , only fifteen firms were established in the 1960s .
27 A law of nature was the last word ; and just as God could not break a law of logic ( by making something both red and green all over , for example ) , so it was felt that He could not break a law of nature .
28 A law of nature was the last word ; and just as God could not break a law of logic ( by making something both red and green all over , for example ) , so it was felt that He could not break a law of nature .
29 Their critique of ideology is derived from the social , historical and philosophical insights of Marx and is concerned with the process of contemporary ideology , although they do not present a theory of ideology as such .
30 Only three of 16 patients did not report a history of heartburn or acid regurgitation or during the study period ; all three had normal peristalsis and no oesophagitis .
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