Example sentences of "not [vb infin] a [noun sg] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The bill did not make an exception in cases of pregnancy caused by incest or rape despite a warning by Roemer — himself an opponent of abortion — that he would veto any legislation which was deficient in these respects .
2 President Milosevic of Serbia may not want a fight in Kosovo , since the current campaign of slow ethnic cleansing is doing quite well .
3 One does not need a council in order to prove the existence of well-established areas such as Lancashire or Somerset .
4 You do not need a degree in statistics to see what has happened to the firm 's trading profit over this six year period .
5 You do not need a wristwatch in East Africa .
6 Gilt edges , vellum , and morocco , and presentation copies to all the libraries will not preserve a book in circulation beyond its intrinsic dates …
7 We can not win a place in heaven by good deeds — neither did he .
8 There was nothing to suggest that that power to sue should be limited so as to exclude the proceedings before the court , save by the nature of the trade union itself , and that did not exclude a claim in respect of a libel ‘ calculated to arouse doubts and suspicions in the minds of members [ of the union itself ] , and so to destroy the cohesion and will to act of the union : ’ per Scott L.J .
9 In February , however , the local population took direct action to ensure that uranium prospecting would not contaminate a well in Glenleighan near Fintown .
10 The courts have held that if there is no evidence that the accused believed that he was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary people , the judge need not give a direction in Ghosh terms : Roberts ( 1987 ) 84 Cr App R 117 on handling ; Price ( 1989 ) 90 Cr App R 409 on deception ; and Squire [ 1990 ] Crim LR 341 on conspiracy to defraud .
11 Does my hon. Friend agree that the very people of whom Labour Members complain , saying that they do not give a service in Government Departments , almost always belong to unions who support the Labour party ?
12 Copyright does not give a monopoly in ideas ; what it does is to prevent a person from copying or otherwise capitalizing on tangible expressions of ideas made by others .
13 Volunteers in an experiment on the effects of prolonged starvation conducted by Ansel Keys in the 1950s did not report an increase in dreams about food , although their food intake was very low indeed — intended to match the conditions of deprivation suffered by people in places like Auschwitz .
14 An accurate scholar and an inspired teacher , he did not become a Professor in Bristol — yet his friends and pupils combined to give him that rarest of honours , a Festschrift , a book containing some of their best work , published to mark his 70th birthday .
15 ‘ You can not keep a Queen in prison , ’ she said .
16 However , we can not posit an opposition in terms of fearful , helpful , and good beings versus brave , aggressive , harmful beings .
17 Top riders Tony Rickardsson and Chris Louis are already feeling the effects of riding six or seven races every match — and Ipswich can not see an answer in sight .
18 Where a resident in country A grants in that country the right in country B to exercise intellectual property rights which he has therein acquired by registration or application he does not render a service in country B by the grant .
19 Our review did not constitute an examination in accordance with auditing standards . ’
20 15. ( 1 ) A member shall not tender a vote in breach of the Rules and any vote so tendered shall not be accepted .
21 15. ( 1 ) A member shall not tender a vote in breach of the Rules and any vote so tendered shall not be accepted .
22 Some of those who did not possess a faith in God which was proof against all adversities now saw that the great hope of a relief force reaching them , which had so far buoyed them up , was an illusory one ; even if a relief now came , in many different ways it would be too late and not only because so many of the garrison were already dead ; India itself was now a different place ; the fiction of happy natives being led forward along the road to civilization could no longer be sustained .
23 Mirth can not move a soul in agony .
24 He said that he did not favour an increase in taxation but ‘ when it has to be done it has to be done ’ .
25 This line of argument does not demand an exercise in conspiracy theory sociology , or even a belief in premeditated state malice , only an acceptance of the realities of the world of policy formulation in which both issues and policy prescriptions are not structured solely by empirical reality .
26 I do not want to disappoint the hon. Member for Eastbourne , but the chances of a local income tax are nil , because his party does not have a cat in hell 's chance of ever being returned to government .
27 Due to the way in which he handled its introduction , it did not have a cat in hell 's chance of succeeding .
28 Legality was important to the President because , although he had won the presidential election , he did not have a majority in Congress .
29 Unlike the government in Britain , the President 's party often does not have a majority in Congress .
30 We could not have a debate in Committee and the House deserves serious answers on this extremely important issue .
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