Example sentences of "not [vb infin] a [noun sg] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One does not need a council in order to prove the existence of well-established areas such as Lancashire or Somerset .
2 You do not need a wristwatch in East Africa .
3 Gilt edges , vellum , and morocco , and presentation copies to all the libraries will not preserve a book in circulation beyond its intrinsic dates …
4 We can not win a place in heaven by good deeds — neither did he .
5 There was nothing to suggest that that power to sue should be limited so as to exclude the proceedings before the court , save by the nature of the trade union itself , and that did not exclude a claim in respect of a libel ‘ calculated to arouse doubts and suspicions in the minds of members [ of the union itself ] , and so to destroy the cohesion and will to act of the union : ’ per Scott L.J .
6 Does my hon. Friend agree that the very people of whom Labour Members complain , saying that they do not give a service in Government Departments , almost always belong to unions who support the Labour party ?
7 ‘ You can not keep a Queen in prison , ’ she said .
8 Top riders Tony Rickardsson and Chris Louis are already feeling the effects of riding six or seven races every match — and Ipswich can not see an answer in sight .
9 Where a resident in country A grants in that country the right in country B to exercise intellectual property rights which he has therein acquired by registration or application he does not render a service in country B by the grant .
10 Our review did not constitute an examination in accordance with auditing standards . ’
11 15. ( 1 ) A member shall not tender a vote in breach of the Rules and any vote so tendered shall not be accepted .
12 15. ( 1 ) A member shall not tender a vote in breach of the Rules and any vote so tendered shall not be accepted .
13 Mirth can not move a soul in agony .
14 He said that he did not favour an increase in taxation but ‘ when it has to be done it has to be done ’ .
15 This line of argument does not demand an exercise in conspiracy theory sociology , or even a belief in premeditated state malice , only an acceptance of the realities of the world of policy formulation in which both issues and policy prescriptions are not structured solely by empirical reality .
16 I do not want to disappoint the hon. Member for Eastbourne , but the chances of a local income tax are nil , because his party does not have a cat in hell 's chance of ever being returned to government .
17 Due to the way in which he handled its introduction , it did not have a cat in hell 's chance of succeeding .
18 Legality was important to the President because , although he had won the presidential election , he did not have a majority in Congress .
19 Unlike the government in Britain , the President 's party often does not have a majority in Congress .
20 We could not have a debate in Committee and the House deserves serious answers on this extremely important issue .
21 The late Ian Fleming did not have a monopoly in tongue-in-cheek , humorous adventures about secret agents , but a novelist might commit the tort of passing-off if he changes his name to Ian Fleming or uses the name James Bond or the 007 code in his novel .
22 The health service does not have a monopoly in cleaning , catering and laundry skills in the same way that it does in the skills required to treat sick people .
23 Is there anyone who does not have a copy in front of them ?
24 This sort of tactic , or cheating , clearly does not have a place in rugby at any level , and I trust that linesmen and referees will be more vigilant and that the TV pundits accept the evidence of their eyes and expose the practitioners of dangerous tactics .
25 If the rise in the numbers of jobless does not encourage a decline in unit costs then the deficit region/nation will continue to experience an underemployment of resources .
26 In the case of land , statutory provisions may give priority to a later contract registered as a land charge even if entered into with knowledge of an earlier , unregistered transaction , but it seems that this affects only proprietary rights and does not bar an action in tort based on interference with the earlier contract .
27 Even though such a doubling of the number of beds would not produce a doubling in cost , since most long stay patients need only low technological care , it is difficult to imagine society accepting this burden .
28 For this reason a non-occupier can not maintain a claim in nuisance and an occupier 's right to damages for his personal injuries is ancillary to his claim for compensation for damage to his property .
29 The defendants applied to strike out the statement of claim of the local authority on a preliminary issue on the grounds that the authority could not maintain an action in libel for words which reflected on it in relation to its governmental and administrative functions and that the statement of claim disclosed no cause of action .
30 He did not record a verdict in accordance with the usual practice when dealing with soldiers killed in action in Northern Ireland .
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