Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [to-vb] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the SARU do not want to make the same mistake , they could organise a tour of South Africa by their proposed national team to prepare for the visits of New Zealand and Australia in August .
2 Equally , do not expect to find the same fineness of knotting in a nomadic item as in a rug of workshop origin , although some nomadic rugs are surprisingly finely knotted and consistent in their designs .
3 Tone generators and loudspeakers , however , have to cope with a multitude of frequencies and can not hope to move the same amount of air as the equivalent number of pipes .
4 By removing any temporal limitation on his own mandate , Franco showed that he did not intend to suffer the same fate as Primo .
5 And they did not seem to feel the same need to compete that men did , the urge to scatter names , achievements , possessions about , like so much status-defining dandruff .
6 While the construction of arenas bounds on — an enormous amount has been accomplished in the past month — the organisation side does not seem to show the same urgency .
7 Violence again propelled Northern Ireland into the national news headlines , but it did not seem to make the same impact at Stormont Castle , RUC headquarters at Brooklyn or Army headquarters in Lisburn .
8 Surely , such practices should be condemned , especially as many companies , such as EMI , do not seem to have the same problem .
9 But I have been quite fascinated to see that the youngsters today do not seem to have the same interest in reading the paper .
10 You do n't want to use the same pen .
11 We do n't want to use the same cutlery an ’ that . ’
12 If a road sweeper kills the king he ca n't expect to get the same gratuity as a general .
13 ‘ Do n't try to use the same argument on me !
14 Rather they explore the possibilities of rhythm and use the two contrasting guitars to show every instrument does n't have to play the same melody .
15 You do n't have to have the same kind of bathwater . ’
16 I do n't intend to make the same mistake twice .
17 Children are a vital part of happy married life and blessed with this new lease of family life , I do n't intend to make the same mistake again . ’
18 Children are a vital part of happy married life and blessed with this new lease of family life , I do n't intend to make the same mistake again . ’
19 Every day I do n't manage to catch the same bus home as you do , I 'm fed up the whole evening .
20 ‘ English dancers do n't seem to have the same enthusiasm
21 English dancers do n't seem to have the same enthusiasm as Americans .
22 Perhaps you have noticed that they do n't seem to feel the same way about you .
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