Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Personally , I do not think the number of entries that are made at South African shows justify champion classes .
2 The measure does not cover the consecration of women as bishops .
3 In a recent case in which the courts were called upon to construe the ambiguous expression ‘ land includes land covered by water ’ in the Rights of Way Act 1932 , the House of Lords , upholding the trial judge and reversing the Court of Appeal , held that the Act did not cover the creation of rights of navigation .
4 Denplan does not cover the fitting of crowns or laboratory charges .
5 Digital techniques had initially been invented to cram more telephone conversations into a single cable , because ‘ crosstalk ’ does not affect a string of numbers .
6 The system of review of detention introduced under the P. & C.E. Act does not affect the system of applications for habeas corpus .
7 On the basis of this limited experience of one institution Wood concludes that paper qualifications may not be a reliable guide to likely DipHE performance and that experience of recent pre-entry study does not affect the performance of students .
8 However , this does not affect the power of shareholders by agreement to circumvent the provisions of the Act .
9 It should be noted , however , that termination does not affect the status of orders wholly or partially outstanding at the date of termination .
10 Moreover , modern legislation has made possible ( within limits ) the creation of an irrevocable power of attorney , so that even knowledge of the principal 's death or insanity will not affect the validity of acts done under it .
11 Unlike the US , Japan or Germany , it can not affect the outcome of events in the former Soviet Union , since it does not have the economic resources to play a significant role .
12 ‘ Terminating the window-cleaning contract would not affect performance and would not affect the number of applicants for places . ’
13 ‘ Reducing the external painting cycle from five to eight years would not affect performance and would not affect the number of applicants for places . ’
14 Cisapride also reduced both the number ( p<0.01 ) and duration ( p<0.05 ) of reflux episodes and significantly increased amplitude , duration , and propagation velocity of oesophageal contractions ( p<0.05 ) but did not affect the number of contractions .
15 Abubakar Mgumia , minister for tourism , natural resources and environment , said : ‘ The hunting of a few elephants by tourists will not affect the number of elephants in the country . ’
16 Why not make a list of words and expressions which are recent .
17 He says ; I thought I would not make the mistake with strangers but I never acyually thought when it happened it would be so convincing .
18 It should be noted that in emphasizing the experience of reading Richards does not make the kind of distinctions between reader , author and text that have played an important part in a number of modern literary theories .
19 Nomads did not have addresses , did not make the history of territories .
20 The bill did not make an exception in cases of pregnancy caused by incest or rape despite a warning by Roemer — himself an opponent of abortion — that he would veto any legislation which was deficient in these respects .
21 If God really has disclosed himself in a Son ; and if that Son was characterised by his possession of the Holy Spirit which he has passed on to his followers then we can not with t denying Christ maintain that God has revealed himself a much in Buddhism as in Christianity ; we can not make an amalgam of religions as if we were all honest seekers after a God who hides himself .
22 at least even I never stooped to sending a circular round Community and Environment saying we do not want the danger of officers actually talking to the public and if there 's any credit , Councillor got to have it .
23 There were a number of horror stars looking for work who would not want the earth in salaries , and he assembled a notable team of players which included Vincent Price , Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre .
24 Performance targets are set in terms of numbers of exhibitions and attendances , although Mrs Muldoon insists that these do not influence the choice of exhibitions which include some demanding contemporary work .
25 Debbie 's view of knowledge as a body of fact means that she does not regard the acquisition of skills , ways of thinking about and approaching problems as an important part of learning and does not , therefore , consider their potential usefulness in jobs .
26 To generate the range in Nd isotopic composition over the 130Myr modelled for the Pb isotope data , however , requires excessively large variation in source Sm/Nd and does not explain the collinearity for islands with different lithospheric age .
27 Under normal conditions of peacetime democracy , when there was no longer any pressing national crisis , the General could not remain a composite of values , images , and emotions .
28 With the rise of palaeontology about 1800 this test became anyway less relevant : we can not supervise the mating of dinosaurs .
29 Heseltine may not prove as co-operative as his DTI forebears and , while he may not earn the adulation of predators such as Hanson , he will increasingly enjoy the appreciation of potential targets , such as ICI , Trafalgar House and Vickers .
30 This reversal of the argument will clearly not assist the cause of animals .
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