Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hughes admitted that one reason for the slow growth of the movement in Wales was that the Church of Wales was in a minority ‘ and there did not exist the sense of peril which , he feared , must be admitted , had done so much in driving them together in England ’ .
2 Television is a very evangelical medium and I do not think the Church of England can afford to or wants to compete with the evangelical churches .
3 Personally , I do not think the number of entries that are made at South African shows justify champion classes .
4 Gedge does not think the absence of Solowka and Gregory was of real importance .
5 The measure does not cover the consecration of women as bishops .
6 In a recent case in which the courts were called upon to construe the ambiguous expression ‘ land includes land covered by water ’ in the Rights of Way Act 1932 , the House of Lords , upholding the trial judge and reversing the Court of Appeal , held that the Act did not cover the creation of rights of navigation .
7 Denplan does not cover the fitting of crowns or laboratory charges .
8 Digital techniques had initially been invented to cram more telephone conversations into a single cable , because ‘ crosstalk ’ does not affect a string of numbers .
9 The traditional view was challenged by Modigliani and Miller in 1958 They argued that the level of gearing used by the firm should not affect the cost of capital or alter the value of the firm as the risk borne by shareholders and debenture holders was dependent on how the firm used the capital not on how the firm raised the capital .
10 But this will not affect the pace of product development work .
11 Current life-history theory would readily explain the small males in B if juvenile male mortality were higher than that of females , but adult mortality should not affect the timing of maturity or adult size .
12 The system of review of detention introduced under the P. & C.E. Act does not affect the system of applications for habeas corpus .
13 On the basis of this limited experience of one institution Wood concludes that paper qualifications may not be a reliable guide to likely DipHE performance and that experience of recent pre-entry study does not affect the performance of students .
14 Her absence , although wrongful , does not affect the relationship of husband and wife . ’
15 The consignment note shall contain a great number of particulars specified in the CMR Convention but the absence , irregularity or loss of the consignment note does not affect the existence of validity of the contract of carriage which shall remain subject to the CMR Convention .
16 These data suggest that human insulin per se does not affect the presentation of hypoglycaemia or the neurohumoral , symptomatic , and cognitive function responses to hypoglycaemia in insulin dependent diabetic patients with a history of hypoglycaemia unawareness .
17 The reorganisation does not affect the range of work covered by AEA though obviously some jobs will change on 1 April 1994 and this will need to be taken into account in the detailed planning of the implementation stage .
18 The tension is always arrived at by formula rather than by direct measurement , and since the error applies to the tension of the original strings as well as to modern reproductions , this weakness does not affect the accuracy of reproduction .
19 However , this does not affect the power of shareholders by agreement to circumvent the provisions of the Act .
20 Foreign trade is excluded from consideration , since it is assumed that such trade will not affect the value of production , but merely affect its material form .
21 ‘ I make no comment on the account of her son , but it does seem that he concealed the fact that his mother was laying for days but it does not affect the cause of death .
22 It should be noted , however , that termination does not affect the status of orders wholly or partially outstanding at the date of termination .
23 This would not affect the speed of look-up , but would again decrease the memory requirements .
24 Preincubation of neutrophils with a mouse monoclonal ( IgG1 k ) anti myeloperoxidase ( Dr D Y Mason , University of Oxford ) did not affect the staining of PSC sera .
25 Najaar claims that it does not have any side-effects and that it does not affect the taste of food .
26 The fact that the limited company has vacated its registered office and/or made no arrangements for forwarding post does not affect the validity of service .
27 Moreover , modern legislation has made possible ( within limits ) the creation of an irrevocable power of attorney , so that even knowledge of the principal 's death or insanity will not affect the validity of acts done under it .
28 This instruction does not affect the pattern of word marks in the destination field , but there are other instructions to set or clear the word mark bit in a designated character , to clear all word marks in a designated area , or to copy a source string and word mark to a designated area ( ignoring and clearing any word mark : bits in the destination field encountered in the process ) .
29 The fact that what is seen as crime varies with different societies does not affect the definition of crime — as an act which breaks the criminal law of the particular society .
30 Unlike the US , Japan or Germany , it can not affect the outcome of events in the former Soviet Union , since it does not have the economic resources to play a significant role .
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