Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [adv] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 " Still , I 'd better not stay long with the sepoys attacking …
2 But I think that question does not arise here from the facts .
3 There are many types of reading test currently used in primary schools ; most of them , however , are norm-referenced rather than criterion-referenced , and so do not relate directly to the levels of attainment described above .
4 This had been proposed in an earlier draft which was condemned by journalists as seeking to introduce " curbs … such as journalists did not experience even in the days when the CPSU was all-powerful " .
5 Hormones modify the cells which may become cancerous , rendering them less , or more , likely to do so , but the hormones do not act primarily on the processes which turn any quiescent cell into one that divides without control .
6 Why did they not act boldly like the Russians ?
7 So time did not hang heavily during the weeks which followed the victory at Annan and Balliol 's flight .
8 The Committee took the view that lawyers are unapproachable because of the inaccessibility of premises and their unwelcoming nature , because the methods of work do not tie in with the needs of clients , and because of a lack of response to the needs of linguistic minorities .
9 ‘ I should be sorry for him if he did not land more in the thorns than in the flowers — that 's all . ’
10 It did not refer specifically to the grounds upon which the nullity of a public limited company might be ordered .
11 Further distortions arise from Beazer Homes , Hanson 's last big UK acquisition , which did not contribute fully in the results for the three months to end-December 1991 .
12 But the NAIRU is indeed likely to be lower these days — partly because the labour market works better , and partly because some of those out of work will not show up in the figures .
13 It may be that Candida is overabundant , but that this does not show up in the stools because the yeast is attached to the gut wall in some way — perhaps in its hyphal form .
14 Although it does not show up in the analyses , content surely also became more international , in source of origin , if not always in substance .
15 Is it that you may actually have lost fat but the loss may not show much on the scales because you are retaining water .
16 Finally , if he was prepared to visit Sanders to make the appointment , why not do so for the lessons as well ? ’
17 Just as they are taught other subjects , they should increasingly be taught about such topics as mental handicap so that they do not grow up with the prejudices that their parents may possess .
18 Coun Arthur Taylor said there was no planning opposition so they should not give in to the vandals by refusing the application .
19 We know that nutrients added to the water by humans make the algae grow , this combined with the sunlight causes blooms , but beyond that we do not understand much about the toxins . ’
20 By definition they do not look backwards at the kinds of demographic transformations with which various societies have already coped .
21 Wycliffe did not look up from the statements and for some time Sara gave no sign that she had heard ; then she said : ‘ I 've been very stupid .
22 We shall take it , as anticipated earlier ( p. 16 ) , and in some agreement with these views , that all causes and effects are physical events , but we need not look further into the views .
23 If he was able to achieve this it did not augur well for the struggles against the three Indian spinners , who had variously been described as inexperienced and nebulous .
24 I could not keep up with the demands of trying to keep everyone happy , and in desperation to make sure I keep my looks , I gave up eating , ’ she is alleged to have said .
25 Most of them were noticeably short even on usual offices , and it did not occur even to the agents to describe them as imposing or delightful .
26 ‘ Angling does not feature prominently within the sports and social activities within the brewery , ’ said Steve .
27 ‘ Why , here 's my mother home at last , ’ he said , and came smiling to meet her , putting forth the child by the hand to her , a little clumsily because he could not see well for the tears in his eyes .
28 The juniper flavour is good and there is a fresh , lemony bite , but the overall impression is of an unexciting gin , which does not marry well with the botanicals .
29 In addition to the two avant-garde poles represented for him by Schoenberg and Stravinsky , he has a minor category consisting of music that makes use of materials ‘ which fell by the wayside … waste products and blind spots … all that which did not fit properly into the laws of historical movement ’ ; the ‘ anachronistic quality ’ of this material ‘ is not wholly obsolete since it has outwitted the historical dynamic ’ .
30 Others who are familiar with intimate details of the case , such as Peter Hill , producer of two BBC Rough Justice programmes on the case in the mid-Eighties , believe Beattie is the victim of suppressed forensic reports which did not fit in with the police view , particularly that of the man leading the investigation , Chief Supt William Muncie .
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