Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [adv] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Stych protested coyly that she did not know enough about books to be of any use , while she wondered privately how she was going to fit this new commitment into her already overcrowded schedule of social events .
2 While States may by treaty opt out of a rule of customary international law inter se , they can not do so with respect to a third party which is entitled to have its customary rights observed .
3 In the first phase he confirmed that when meat powder ( an unconditioned stimulus ) was placed on the dog 's tongue a natural reflex occurred and the dog salivated ( an unconditioned response ) , but that it did not salivate solely in response to a buzzer sounded for 30 seconds , a neutral stimulus .
4 An important property of such a clock is its stability ; that is , its timing does not alter much from day to day .
5 The two ears may not react identically with respect to insertion and reinsertion of tubes .
6 Hostel dwellers do not move around from place to place as much as many people think .
7 A further objective is to make sure that people do not move out of unemployment to an even lower income from work .
8 The crunch comes for domestic producers because in the real world economic processes can not adjust smoothly in response to reverse movements in quantifiable variables such as price so that market share can not easily be regained .
9 Our discussion of single-parenthood , however , indicates that divorcees and single-parents do not remarry out of dedication to the institution .
10 In the same week in which President Bush appeared on national television brandishing $3,200 worth of cocaine ( coercively obtained from a dealer who was dragged a block or two nearer the White House ) to raise the air-time mileage he earns on drugs , it did not take long for outrage to be expressed .
11 Full of wine , afterwards , Paul did not go back with Chase to the lodging .
12 There was still a job to do , and although it might not seem much in comparison to the past , it was all he had left .
13 The eye does not sweep smoothly from left to right when reading but instead makes a series of fixations with rapid movements ( saccades ) between fixations .
14 It had been discovered in the eighteenth century that light does not travel instantaneously from source to observer ; rather , it goes at a certain speed , about 186,000 miles ( 300,000 kilometers ) a second .
15 Among them were 14 men with cholecystectomy and 44 with gall stones ; these did not differ significantly with respect to any of the measurements made in this study .
16 Many of these people were genuinely concerned about development pressures but did n't know enough about CPRW to be attract to join .
17 ‘ She does n't look much like Gladstone to me , ’ he murmured , getting to his feet .
18 The paper did n't flutter about from side to side ; it just went straight down .
19 The calculated exposure time should n't change much from batch to batch , but test ½ a sheet for each grade .
20 The calculated exposure time should n't change much from batch to batch , but test ½ a sheet for each grade .
21 And then , her interview was one o'clock she did n't go in till quarter to three !
22 Well it 's Mr you see , he goes out at twelve o'clock on a Sunday and does n't get in till quarter to four .
23 did n't turn up till quarter to twelve and he 's coming again Tuesday afternoon now between two and three .
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