Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [prep] [pos pn] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Sotheby 's would not comment on their approach to Mr Bond yesterday .
2 Mrs Sisulu , co-president of the United Democratic Front , said her husband would resume his leading role in the anti-apartheid movement and would not waver in his commitment to the ANC — considered a criminal organisation by the government .
3 The party did not pause on their way to the stairs , but he had a clear impression of the room , the high moulded ceiling , the two elegant pedimented doors to right and left , an oil painting of the Laboratory founder on the right-hand wall , the gleaming wood of the reception counter at the rear .
4 ‘ Most of all we can not renege on our responsibilities to our own people , ’ Mr O'Neill said .
5 the second arises where financial institutions find themselves owing conflicting fiduciary duties to different people , so that they can not comply with their duties to one without breaching their duties to the other .
6 So it would be lenders who would gain from credit insurance ( and , in particular , from an efficient low-cost insurance scheme which would not seem to their customers to innate their credit payments unduly ) .
7 If a man shoots his dog because the animal is no longer capable of service , he does not fail in his duty to the dog , for the dog can not judge , but his act is inhuman and damages in himself that humanity which it is his duty to show towards mankind … .
8 He could n't wait for her return to the Hit Factory .
9 At least they could n't know about her visit to Puddephat 's rooms .
10 Erm , we would n't want the policy to progress so far erm as to get to the stage of looking for a specific site and for us to pull the rug underneath the County , and for other authorities to pull the rug from underneath the County at that stage , erm to answer to Mr Heselton 's specific question , of course we would n't object to a new settlement er in Selby , but erm it does n't erm it does n't detract from our objection to erm the principle of the policy , the way the policy 's expressed .
11 I do n't mean for his fear to be confirmed — that he was sightless ; the unspoken query which hovered over us for those few days .
12 ‘ I do n't care for my name to be abbreviated , ’ he said .
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