Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This division between planning conditions and site licence conditions highlights the need for co-operation between planners , waste disposal officers and other pollution control agencies , at a pre-planning stage wherever possible , in order to reach agreement on those conditions which are to be attached to the planning consent , and those to be attached to the site licence , thus ensuring that problems of control do not arise at a later stage .
2 The cost of unsold or unconsumed stocks will have been incurred in the expectation of future revenue , and when this will not arise until a later year it is appropriate to carry forward this cost to be matched with the revenue when it arises .
3 Joan Thirsk 's brilliant examination of these variations , region by region , illustrates this for the period from 1500 onwards ( 103 , pp.1–112 ) , and there is no reason to believe that a similar diversity did not exist at the earlier period also , although there were probably changes in detail in particular areas , such as those caused by climatic change to which allusion was made in Chapter 1 .
4 As a nurse I can not think of a healthier diet to follow and can see no disadvantages in it .
5 ‘ I am anxious that you should stay here until I return and I can not think of a better way of making sure you do than by putting you in charge of my property , ’ he explained .
6 I note in passing , however , that , when it comes to squandering the nation 's money , I can not think of a better example than the enormous amounts squandered by the Government in setting up the machinery for the administration of the poll tax , which is now to be totally unwound .
7 I also operate with the assumption that , although my results pertain strictly only to the sample of forty housewives I interviewed , there is no reason why they should not relate to the wider population of housewives , since it can not be shown that the forty women are unrepresentative of the larger population .
8 This negative element can be felt in ( 32 ) above in the fact that this sentence implies that he did not appeal to a higher court even though he could have .
9 " A lower preference can not count against a higher preference " , say the pundits .
10 Hence those who take a floating charge from a company which can not be proved to be solvent , and which does not survive for a further year , can not thereby obtain protection in respect to their existing debts , but only to the extent that they provide the company with new value and thus increase the assets available for other creditors .
11 The Basle exchange too , with a turnover only a seventh that of Zurich , may not survive in the longer term if Swiss Bank Corporation , its biggest trader , decides to pull out .
12 Externally , AWCC felt that its demands were highly specific and did not benefit from a wider articulation through the North Side Leadership Conference , which it joined in 1985 .
13 However , ‘ 1929 holding companies ’ can not benefit from the lower dividend withholding tax rates provided in tax treaties or the European Community parent/subsidiary directive .
14 Doubling the amount of protein present did not result in a higher level of crosslinking in the presence of NCp7 .
15 It is important that the medium used flows and fills all the air space , so that subsidence does not occur at a later date .
16 Meanwhile in a speech to the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants Sir Adrian Cadbury said the view among some critics that his committee 's proposals on non-executive directors were divisive for boards stemmed from a misunderstanding of its terms of reference which were limited to financial aspects and did not touch on the wider responsibility of all directors for general governance .
17 Teenage farm workers are particularly sensitive to their image at an age when they are dating girls who may or may not hope for a better future than that of a farm worker 's wife .
18 Furthermore , possession of HLA B8 DR3 did not correlate with a higher antibody titre ( p>0.05 ) .
19 Without open debate and education , the local community can not move to the clearer understanding of the nature of child sexual abuse that is necessary for professionals to receive the help and support they need from the public .
20 A better way of life need not depend on a higher standard of living and they were out to stop those whose pursuit of continued economic and industrial growth undermined the basis of life itself .
21 A judgment that Nicaragua could not enter into the later treaty without according Costa Rica its rights gave Costa Rica its preferred remedy .
22 Postgraduate Bursaries are available for certain full-time courses which do not lead to a higher degree .
23 He promises me privatisation will not lead to a smaller railway and if subsidies are needed , he 'll pay them .
24 Chris thought that Angela would not aim for the earlier time , she hated early rising .
25 Whatever the truth , the unwelcome publicity could not come at a worse time for Mercedes — just as it is launching its new top-of-the-range ‘ S ’ model after 12 years of development .
26 Newspaper reports on 12th March that the Bank of Ireland is to shed 600 of its staff over the coming years could not come at a worse time for the economy .
27 the second car does not belong to a higher rating group than the spouses car
28 They " did not belong to the higher party and state hierarchy of the former regime " , he declared .
29 Thus the excess found among young people does not extend to the older age groups .
30 You could not ask for a better curtain-raiser to the day 's racing .
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